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requested by PCprime2704

5 years ago (if you are younger, then pretend you aged up)

It was a bright, summer day, not too hot but just warm enough to give you an excuse to wear your favorite pair of shorts and t-shirt. It was also Sunday and you just got paid. You decided that today was the perfect day to go to the bookstore that you just heard about. You needed some new material to help inspire you for your next story.

The bookstore was called Chosho Hinansho (Book Haven). It was was a storied bookstore, each level had a different genre. You were so excited, you couldn't contain your excitement. You got a couple of books on how to improve your writing, an art history book, and found a book called 'Cinder'. You spent most of the day at the bookstore; however, you couldn't stay forever. You would need a whole month to memorize the whole place. You decided to head home to read your new finds, but not before you stopped by Anteiku to get a cup of f/co (favorite coffee). 

You walked out of Anteiku, smelling how good your coffee was when you heard something.

"get out of the way!" you heard a faint voice call. You had no idea where the voice was coming from, then you heard it again, much louder this time. "GET OUTTA THE WAY!!!!!!" Now you knew that the voice was above you, but before you had time to turn to look at the source, something large, soft, and red crashed right into you, knocking you out. 

"Ugh, what the heck was that?" you asked when you came to, looking for what exactly fell on you. Your eyes suddenly landed on the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. Hawks, the #2 hero sprawled out, scarlet feathers scattered everywhere, along with your books and coffee cup. Miraculously, none of the coffee got on the both of you. Hawks then let out a groan, letting you know he was waking up. He sat up and rubbed his head.

"Uuuhhhh, sorry 'bout that sweet-heart. Guess heaven didn't want me back yet," Hawks chuckled. "You hurt?" he asked, kneeling in front of you, offering his hand to help you up.

"N-no. I'm fine," you said shyly, taking his hand. Hawks just laughed at how cute you were.

"I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you. You just looked so cute just now," the winged hero winked at you, you blushed. "Name's Hawks, but you probably already knew that," he shook your hand that you just realized he was still holding.

"Y-y/n," you stuttered. Why was he still holding your hand?

"Y/n? That's a pretty name," Hawks smiled. Hawks let go of your hand and started to pick up your books, once your stunned mind realized what he was doing, you helped him. "So, I see you like writing, art, and sci-fi," he said as he handed the scuffed books to you. 

"Yes to the first two, and sort of on the last one," you said. "I needed some material for inspiration and to help me with my writing for a story I'm working on," you explained. 

"So, you're an actual writer," Hawks smirked, you looked down at your feet.

"Yea-yeah. I write some short stories and novellas for The Rising Writers, nothing too big," you muttered.

"Do you like writing?" Hawks asked.

"I love it!" you said. "I get to do what I love for a living, and I also get to paint on the side. It's awesome!" you brightened up, then shrank back again, "Sorry, I shouldn't be acting this way in front of you," you apologized.

"Don't be. You're passionate about what you do and that's cool!" Hawks gave you a closed-eyed smile

Suddenly, both of you became aware that there was a crowd gathering around you, and it kept getting thicker and thicker, everyone wanting to get a look at the winged hero. He grabbed you around your waist and whispered in your ear, "Listen, hold on to me and don't let go."

"What?" before you knew it Hawks swept you off your feet, bridal style, and launched into the air. You buried your face into his chest, eyes squeezed shut. You were too scared to scream, and clung for dear life to the bird hero. 

"It's okay. Look up," Hawks shouted past the wind. You slowly opened your eyes and looked upon the gorgeous cityscape around you. The sun was just starting to set, making the city look even more spectacular in the tangerine light. You smiled and started to relax a bit, Hawks looked at your face full of wonder and smiled himself. "I'm gonna land on that rooftop. Brace yourself," Hawks warned. 

He let you down gently, making sure you were steady on your feet before he let go. "You okay sweetheart? Not everyone likes being swooped up by a hero," Hawks smirked. 

"I'm good," you smiled. "That was amazing!" you exclaimed, holding your hand to your heart, trying to catch your breath. 

"Good, I'm glad," Hawks smiled back. "Soooo, I was thinking, as an apology for kidnapping you,  crashing into you, damaging your books, and making you spill your coffee, how would you like to go out on a date?" he asked. You were shocked. 

"Why in the world would you want to go on a date with me? You're the #2 hero for crying out loud! You could have anyone you wanted," you questioned.

"Because you are interesting, you showed me how passionate you can be about something, and you seem different from everyone else. You definitely didn't act like a screaming fangirl when we talked, and I found it refreshing. I want to get to know you better," He explained, rubbing the back of his neck. You pondered the question in your mind for a little bit. He seemed genuine enough. Honestly, you wanted to get to know him better too. 

"Okay," you mumbled.

"What was that?" Hawks asked. He couldn't quite hear what you said.

"I said, okay," you said a little bolder.

"Yes!" Keigo shouted as he pumped his arm in the air, making you giggle at the sight. "Okay, I know this great place that serves the best chicken wings in town. Sound good to you?" he asked.

"Sounds great," you beamed.

"Great! Pick you up around 7 on Tuesday?"

"Sounds perfect," you agreed. "Oh, but wait, you'll need my address," you pulled out a thin sharpie that you had in your pocket. "I don't have a piece of paper to write it down on," you said.

"That's okay, use my hand," Hawks took off his glove, offering you his hand. You giggled and wrote your address on the hero's hand. "Awesome! Can't wait till then," he grinned. 

"Me too!" you grinned.

"Wait, if I fly you back to your place now, that means that we did that for nothing," Hawks chuckled.

"Nah, it's okay. I feel like walking back home anyway," you assured. 

"In that case, let me fly you down to the sidewalk then," Hawks said, offering you his arms to hold onto. You grabbed hold of his arms and held on tight as you descended down to the busy street below. 

"You sure you don't want me to take you back to your place?" Hawks asked again.

"I'm sure. Besides, I like walking around the city," you said. 

"Alright then. See you on Tuesday, Y/n," Hawks paused a little when he said your name.

"See you then Hawks," you waved.

"Please, call me Keigo," he said before you walked off.


It had been 5 years since that fateful encounter. Dating Keigo wasn't easy, but the two of you managed. After a year and a half of dating, he asked you to marry him. You said yes of course and then 6 months later, you said your vows to love each other for the rest of your lives through thick and thin. You and Keigo actually got married on the 2nd anniversary of the day you met. The two of you have been living in marital bliss for the past few years ever since. 

"Happy anniversary baby bird," Keigo kissed you on the cheek, handing you a cup of your f/co. 

"You remembered," you smiled. 

"Of course I did," Keigo puffed out his chest. "I remember every little thing about the first time I met you," he said proudly.

"I'm glad," you kissed him on his cheek. "Happy anniversary honey."

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