Formal Event Pt 2: Gallery Opening

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Tonight was the night. Your main patron, Takumi Usui, was able to get you a gallery to showcase all your artwork. The grand opening for the gallery was tonight. It was a formal, dinner event full of big shots and art lovers, and you were terrified beyond all reasoning, not just because all the attention was on you, but you were also expected to give a speech.

"Kiego, I'm so nervous!" you panicked as you looked at yourself in the mirror for the hundredth time. You could feel your breathing getting shallow as the beginnings of a panic attack were creeping up on you. Keigo came up from behind you and turned you over to face him.

"Take a deep breath angel. In through your nose for four, hold for five, and let it out through your mouth for six," your husband comforted you. He breathed in time with you as his hands rubbed up and down your arms. After a few breaths, you could feel your heart calm down.


"Better," you sighed with relief.

"Good, cause tonight is about you, and you should be proud of yourself," Keigo spoke tenderly. 

"I know. I know. That still does not change the feeling of anxiety that's weighing on my heart. You know how I can be at these kinds of things," you rambled as you turned around to fidget with your dress again. It was a beautiful, black, strapless, knee-length dress that was covered with colorful paint splatters. Keigo reached for your hands and embraced you from behind, resting his scruffy chin on your shoulder. 

"Baby bird! You have absolutely no reason to be scared. I will be there for you, and I will be cheering you on because tonight is about celebrating the most talented, gorgeous, and strongest woman I know. Also, everyone there will be staring at how stunning your works are and how you express yourself through your mediums," Keigo then kissed up your neck to your jawline, as if to further banish any negative emotions you were feeling at the time. 

"But what I mess up my speech?" you asked.

"You won't. Just pretend that you're talking to me," Kigo kissed you again. "Now, let's go show the world just how much of a kick bootay woman my wife is," he winked at you, making you laugh.

"Okay," you smiled and took Keigo's hand as you walked out the door.


"Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Takami. Welcome to the exhibit," the doorman greeted you at the entry. There was a stage off to the side and the gallery was decorated with beautiful, dangling lights, and on the tables were flowers of every hue. It was as if you were surrounded by colors, which made your heart lift. Keigo smiled at how happy you looked. Your artwork was displayed on the walls surrounding the table area so that people could look at them before and during dinner.  

"Let's go see how they set up the pictures babe!" you said excitedly, grabbing onto Keigo's hand.

"Okay angel!" he smiled at you as both of you went to inspect the display.


The dinner went on for about an hour and a half now, and lots of people walked up to you to congratulate you and say how magnificent your works were, how the colors looked so vibrant and captured their hearts. You were so happy that your work touched so many people. The lights began to dim and Mr. Usui walked up on the stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the grand opening this beautiful gallery, featuring the magnificent work by Mrs. Y/n Takami. Through her work, she has brought joy to our hearts and tears to our eyes. She has been able to ensnare our hearts with her vibrant colors, and demand attention from our eyes with how she clearly expresses emotion through her mediums. She is not only married to the #2 hero, Hawks, but she has also been able to accomplish so much in such a short time in her artistic career, and in her writing career as well. But her busy schedule does not keep her from caring for others around her. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Y/n Takami, the most extraordinary woman I have had the privilege of getting to know," Mr. Usui finished. The audience applauded as a spotlight landed on you. You nervously looked to Keigo, and he gave your hand a squeeze, reassuring you that you'll do great. You made your way to the stage, your body going numb until you mysteriously found yourself behind the podium. 

"He-hello everyone," you leaned into the mic, but it blared up. "The electrician must be a left-brainer," you joked, and everyone laughed. Your eyes landed on Keigo's amber ones, and he gave you a thumbs up. You let out a breath and continued with your speech. 

"Earlier tonight, I told my husband that I was so nervous about tonight because goodness knows that an introvert like me would rather be at home right now, so he told me to talk like I was talking to him and that's what I'm going to do," you smiled and Keigo nodded. 

"I am not sure what I did to deserve the attention of such a kind individual such as Mr. Usui, let alone have the honor of having a gallery featuring my work, but I do know that it would not have been possible without my husband. My husband gave me the courage to pursue my passion. He told me that if I thought that something is worth doing then I should go for it, and not let my demons tell me that I can't do it. He's been there when I would get excited about an idea, told me to pick the paintbrush or pencil back up again when I was frustrated and would celebrate with me when I was finally done. Babe, I don't know what I would be doing today if you had not crashed into me that day, but I know that my life would be less colorful without you. I just wanted to say, thank you for loving this wild, shy, and stubborn person, and for pushing me this far. This gallery is not just for me, but it's for us. It is a symbol of our love, and all that we have been through together. You are my inspiration, and I cannot wait to see what other works you will drive me to discover," I could see Keigo tearing up, but trying his hardest to hide it.

"Also, I would like to thank you, all my patrons, friends, and family. Thanks to your loving support, I would not have had the chance to be able to show you what a few splashed of color can do. Thank you for allowing me to express myself and giving me everything I need to make these paintings come to life," you bowed and walked off the stage as the audience roared with applause. When you got to your table, Keigo embraced you and gave you a passionate kiss, making the people clap even louder and let out a few whistles. You were a little embarrassed, but so happy.


"What a night!" you sighed when you walked through the door.

"Did you have fun?" Keigo asked.

"I did. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be," you said as you took off your high heels. 

"Good," Keigo hugged you from behind and began to attack your neck with kisses. 

"Kei? What has gotten into you?" you giggled.

"You were absolutely magnificent tonight my dove," he mumbled. "I love you, and I am so humbled and proud to be called your husband and to call you my wife," he said in between kisses, making his way slowly up from your neck to your soft lips.

"Aww, I love you too Keigo," you kissed back. Keigo let go of you for a second to put on a soft, jazz record on the vinyl player before he sauntered over to you and wrapped his arm around your waist. "Kei, my feet are so sore," you whined.

"I can fix that," with that, his ruby feathers dispersed from his wings and lifted the both of you in the air. The two of you slowly swayed to the romantic music and you laid your head on Keigo's chest. You were so happy to be in Keigo's arms and could just stay locked in them forever. It was the perfect end to a perfect night. 

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