Work Out

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"Baby, baby bird, wake up!" Keigo whispered in your ear.

"Mmm mmmm. Keeeiigooo, what time is it?" you sleepily asked your husband.

"It's 5:30 darlin'," he drawled, kissing your forehead.

"Keigo Takami, you better be joking right now," you grumbled.

"Sorry honey, but it's time to get up," Keigo smirked.

"Mmmmmmm!" you moaned, rolling over and covering your head with a pillow. 

"C'mon sweetheart!" Keigo cried, pulling the comforter off of you, causing you to moan again and curl up on yourself. "Today's the day you finally work out with me." You rolled back to face Keigo and glared at him.

"I do not recall saying such a horrendous thing," you retorted, throwing the pillow you were using at Keigo, which he caught with such ease.

"Well believe it darlin', cause I've got it the evidence right here," he held up his phone and began to play a recording

K: "Hey dove, will you be willing to work out with me?"
Y/N: "Yeah, sure thing babe."
K: "For real?"
Y/N: "Yeah, I actually want to go work out with you."
K: "No backin' out?"
Y/N: "I am NOT gonna back out Keigo! I said I would work out with you and I will work out with you."

K: "Thanks dove. Love you,"

Y/N: "Love you too."

"When was that?" you asked.

"Three months ago," Keigo smirked.

"That's not fair!" you cried. "If a person says something like that, then they mean in the near future, NOT months later! Agreements for volunteering to go through extreme torture expire within a month of the agreement!" you protested.

"Nope, sorry babe. You heard yourself. You're not getting out of this one."
"But Kei..."
"Ah, no buts sweet cheeks."
"Hmph. Well, how bad can it be?" you tried to have a positive attitude about it.

"That's the spirit! Now c'mon times a wasting!" your birdman smiled, turning to walk out the door. "I love you," he winked. You threw another pillow at him, but he ducked into the hallway just in time to not get hit.

"Love you too you fuzzball," you smirked. You rolled out of your warm bed and fell flat on the cold, hardwood floor. 

"Honey, you okay?" you heard Keigo yell from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I did it on purpose you bird brain!" you yelled back.

"Okay! Just don't hurt anything important. I want you to be able to keep up with me when we go jogging."

"Mmm-hmm," you moaned. Keigo smirked at how ridiculous you were behaving. You crawled over to your dresser, looking for your athlete capris and f/c tank top. Once you managed to get your clothes and shoes on and put your h/c in a ponytail, you made your way to the kitchen, seeing your husband looking bright and cheerful.

"Good morning sunshine!" Keigo smiled.

"Good morning Kei," you mumbled.

"Nice to see that I moved from fuzzball," he kissed you on the cheek. "Here's your breakfast." Keigo pushed a glass full of some sort of green substance towards you.

"What in the world is this?" you asked, frightened of the answer.

"It's a protein shake," he stated smugly. "You can't eat anything too hardy or else you'll puke your guts out."

"Great, so not only am I going to going to die, but I'm going to die when I'm starving," you looked pathetically into your glass. "So this is my last meal."

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