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"No. Y/n. no, no!"

You woke up in the middle of the night, feeling Keigo shift restlessly around the bed. He kept saying your name, clearly in distress.

"Keigo? Keigo, wake up baby. Wake up," you tried to stir Keigo from whatever dream was troubling him. He was sweating and cold to the touch. He moved more violently now, his feathers swarming above your head like a thunder cloud. You needed to wake him up.
"Kiego wake up now!" you shouted. Keigo bolted from the bed, breathing heavily, his amber eyes wide with terror, feathers floated like red snowflakes to the floor.
"Keigo?" you asked, touching his shoulder gently. His head snapped to look at you, his fearful eyes meeting your startled e/c ones. Suddenly, he grabbed you, pulling you into the tightest embrace you have ever felt him give you. Obviously, something was terribly wrong.
"What's the matter Keigo?" your voice revealing how scared you were for your husband. 

Keigo sighed, "It's nothing baby bird. I'm fine"

"Keigo Takami," you said in a stern voice. "You are clearly not fine," you cupped his stubbly face in your warm hands. He leaned into your touch. "What's wrong?" you asked again.

"Nightmare," was all he said.

"Tell me about it," you told him. Keigo knew you well enough to know that you were not going to let him out of it, so he proceeded to tell you what terrors he just endured.

"It started out like was an ordinary day. You and I were walking down some street and you saw a flower shop. We walked over to the boutique when a fan tapped me on the shoulder, asking me for my autograph. I only had my back turned to you for a second and when I turned back around you were gone.

I asked if anyone had seen where you had gone. Some girl said that they saw you were walking in the direction of the bathroom close to the back. I walked over to the back and I heard you scream. I opened the bathroom door to see that the room was completely demolished and a Nomu had you, strangling you with his arms from behind. I tried to get to you, but there was another Nomu who pinned me to the wall. I was about to release my feathers when Dabi came into view. 

His hand was burning and he told me that if I tried anything then you would die. He then burned your thigh. You cried out and I tried to get out of the Nomu's grip but had no luck. Dabi then came up to me and told me that if I wanted you to live then I would need to get some information about kids and their quirks for the League of Villains. 

I said that I didn't have that kind of access to that information. Dabi told me that I would come up with something and that I had 8 hours to get that information and to not tell anyone about it or he would find out and you would die painfully and slowly. The Nomu knocked me out, and by the time I woke up, I found a timer on my wrist saying I had 5 hours left to get the information," Keigo wanted to stop telling you about the rest of the nightmare. 

"Go on," you coaxed Keigo. Keigo told you that he tried everything to get the information, it was taking forever and he acted recklessly and finally stole the information, before Keigo could email the information, Best Jeanist busted into the apartment and captured him.

"I yelled at him that you were going to die when the timer on my wrist went off and I knew I was too late. The smart TV turned on and Dabi came onto the screen and I could see you in the background, tied to a chair all battered, bloodied, burned, and bruised. Dabi said, 'time's up, now watch her die,'" Keigo paused, trying to hold back a sob as he remembered the image of what came next, terrified to tell you.

"Keigo, it's okay. Tell me what happened next," you said gently, taking his rough hands in yours. Keigo breathed, gathered his courage, and continued.

"I could see Toga come into view. She was giggling, humming, then she said, 'I can't wait to cut you up,' she giggled again and then stabbed you in the stomach. I screamed and screamed, begging through the screen for them to stop as she kept on stabbing you over, and over, and over aga..." Keigo couldn't even finish the sentence as he buried his head in your lap, sobbing and holding you as tightly as he could. Your heart broke at the sight of your strong husband looking so shattered. After what felt like forever of him crying into your lap, Keigo finally calmed down enough to talk again.

"That's when you woke me up. I just felt so angry and scared of how I couldn't save you. Seeing you being in such danger, watching you get hurt, and then. Gah, I just felt so helpless!" Keigo cried out, grabbing his hair in frustration. You hold him and comfort him, whispering soft words, saying you're there. 

"Keigo baby, I am here. Nothing like that is ever going to happen to me ever," you said.

"How do you know y/n?" he asked, his voice shook. You took Keigo's scruffy face in your hands and forced his fearful, golden eyes to meet your feirce, e/c ones.

"Because you are strong, you are fast, you are smart, and I know that you would figure something out to never let that happen. Believe in yourself Keigo, like I do" you encouraged, pressing his forehead to yours. Keigo let a few tears fall from his eyes, you wiped them away. He gently grabbed your wrist and brought it to his lips for a tender kiss. 

"I love you y/n, so much," Keigo sighed, pulling you into his warm embrace.

"I love you too Keigo. More than you'll ever know," you said. The two of you laid back down on the bed still holding one another, his wings blanketing you both. Keigo twisted a lock of you h/l h/c hair between his fingers.



"Can you sing to me?" Keigo asked. You felt your heart melt and started to sing the first song you could think of. 

"Let me be your wings, Let me be your only love, Let me take you far beyond the stars. 

Let me be your wings. Let me lift you high above, Everything we're dreaming of will soon be ours, 

Anything that you desire, Anything at all. Everyday I'll take you higher, And I'll never let you fall..." (Let Me Be Your Wings (Thumbelina))

You kept singing quietly until you heard a light snore leave Keigo's lips. 

You leaned forward to kiss those precious lips and whispered, "Sweet dreams Keigo," before you nod off to sleep, listening to his heart beat.

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