05. discoveries

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'stare in the mirror but its clear that you can't face what's wrong,
no need to fix what god already put his paint brush on
your roommate yelling, "why you gotta take so long?"
what it's like to have a crooked smile.'

"Did you find him?"

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"Did you find him?"

Bala and Demonio's main guy, Ronan, nodded his head ad they walked down one of the many halls of the house, "Our guys in New York caught him and three other guys looking around the girls' old condo."

Demonio and Bala's faces both visibly hardened.

Bala just got pissed off thinking about what would have happened to his sister and Seraphina. Although he's only known her for a short amount of time, he quickly grew fond of the fierce young woman. These thoughts caused him to brainstorm what ways he was gonna torture this bastard.

Demonio on the other hand was thinking of ways he was gonna kill the son of a bitch. Not only were Lobo's people fucking with his money, they were fucking with his family. They were fucking with her.

Ronan and the Mendoza brothers stopped in front of a room.

"Our guys took care of the other three but he's in there." Ronan explained nodding his head towards the door.

Demonio's expression turned cold, emotionless. He dismissed Ronan before opening the door, he and Bala walked in looking at the man they chained to a barred wall.

While Bala went over to the table they had in this particular room to examine his things and find out who he was, Demonio's first response was to punch him in the face.

The man spit out some blood.

Demonio's chest heaved up and down. He was fuming, "Why were you looking around my sister's old condo?"

The man said nothing but simply spat some blood at Demonio's feet.

Demonio glared at him one more time before going over to Bala, "Who is this pussy, Bala?"

Bala simply showed his brother his wallet that contained his license, "Antonio Cruz, our people in New York are looking into him now."

The man started to laugh, angering Demonio even more.

He walked over to the thing that control the electric current of the wires attached to him. Demonio turned the nob as far as it would go and let it sit like that.

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