11. buddies

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'and i know she'll be the death of me, at least we'll both be numb
and she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come
but at least we'll both be beautiful and stay forever young
this i know, yeah, this i know.'


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"WHEN I TELL YOU PHINA'S MOM WAS PISSED, THAT DOESN'T EVEN BEGIN TO COVER IT." Choyce said laughing as she told Bala and Manuel how she, Seraphina, and Bahari got busted by her mom after Phina hacked into the school grading system and changed Bahari's grades so he could still play basketball.

"Did she make you change them back?" Manuel asked laughing while slouching in one of the lounge chairs.

She shook her head laughing, "No, cause he really needed the grades and she wasn't gonna let him fail."

When Choyce and Bala walked into their game room Manuel was already there. They got to talking and really hit it off. Not only could they talk about their relationships with their siblings, but they also shared some of the same taste in tv shows, movies etc.

"Wait how old are you and Seraphina?" Manuel asked curiously while sitting up in the chair looking to the dark skinned girl.

"We're both twenty-one."

Manuel looked to Bala with an amused look, "Damn! You and Demonio got some young ones."

Choyce sat up looking between the boys never realizing that she never knew how old they were, "Wait how old are y'all?"

Bala looked up from his phone, "I'm twenty-three and Manuel twenty-four."

Choyce gave him a playful glare, "So you've been flirting with my cousin when you're older than her?"

Bala shrugged his shoulders not even attempting to try and defend himself, "Guilty."

Choyce shook her head with a smile on her face before looking to Manuel, "Manuel can you get me another bottle of smart water and three more brownies please?"

Manuel nodded before walking out of the room yelling behind him, "No problem, chiquita."

Choyce watched him to wait until he turned down the hall before turning to Bala, "I know that you like Seraphina."

Bala looked up from his phone and cut his eyes at the Afro-Latina, "Choyce stop talking shit."

Choyce rolled her eyes at him trying too dismiss the conversation, "I heard you and Demonio talking that night. So you like my cousin's 'mean ass' huh?" She quoted him with a smirk while leaning back in her chair looking to him.

Bala couldn't even fight the small smile that crept up on his face.

Choyce started squealing like a school girl. "You like her, you like her!" She exclaimed sitting up in her chair clapping excitedly.

Seraphina was like her cousin when it came to men, mean as hell. Not only was it just how they are but with Bahari being a dog himself, he taught them to not trust guys either. So this is the first time Choyce actually sees her cousin connecting with someone on that level.

"Yeah," Bala spoke light before his smile disappeared, "But she's so fucking mean she barely lets me talk to her without cursing me out."

Choyce gave him a serious expression, "That's a good thing."

Bala looked to her confused, "How?"

Choyce shrugged her shoulder with a slight smile, "My brother used to run us game so we act a certain way when it comes to men," she started.

She obviously caught his interest. He leaned up in his chair placing his elbows on his knees as he listened.

"If a guy is trying to get at us and we're not really interested, we make sure they know that we're not interested," she started, "But all Seraphina does is argue with you right?"

Bala nodded his head.

"I know my cousin, even if she doesn't know it if she genuinely did not want to be bothered by you she would make sure she had little to no interaction with you," She paused, "When Seraphina doesn't to be bothered she makes it known. But when she is even the tiniest bit interested she knows men don't really like soft ass women that are just gonna do what you say."

He nodded taking it in. Bala could tell from a mile away he needed to show Seraphina she can't treat him like she does everyone else, but he also didn't want to over step his boundaries until it was truly necessary.

Choyce smiled to herself while she watched him really think over what she had told him. Seraphina told her what happened the other night after they got back to the house. Even though Choyce is very protective of her cousin, if Bala likes her the way she thinks he'll be just as, if not more, protective. She's seen the way he acts towards her and she knows that how he feels for her cousin is genuine.

He then gave Choyce a look.

She looked to him with a clueless expression, "What?" she asked laughing lightly.

He smirked still giving her a look, "What's your excuse?"

Choyce squinted her eyes in confusion, not knowing where the conversation was headed, "What do you mean?"

"What's your excuse for how you act with Demonio?"

Choyce's face dropped at this question before she heard footsteps she turned and saw Manuel heading back in the room with her snacks.

She smiled looking to her new friend as he handed her the food, "Thank you, Manny."

Bala continued to smirk at the girl before taking a sip of his beer.

Bala continued to smirk at the girl before taking a sip of his beer

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