Here is my new book about Odell and Demi!!! I am so excited to be starting another book about these two lovelies!!! This is the first chapter and they will all start out shorter than normal but they will get longer! Let me know what you think!😊💗Demi's POV
"You need to get out of your house Demi and do something." My mom scolds as I lay in bed. This has pretty much how I've been the past month since my breakup with Max. The only time I will get up is when I have work.
"I'm fine laying right here." I say petting Batman and Ella as they lay next to me.
"You can't sulk forever! Get up and do something with yourself." She says and I roll my eyes and look up at her.
"I'm not sulking. I'm simply just resting after the long work days I've had. I'm fine mom." I say and she sighs and sits down next to me on the bed.
"Are you over the breakup?" She asks and I shrug.
"I feel like I am. His intentions weren't genuine. He used me. Now he's trying to play the victim. I feel so stupid. I'm just glad I got out of that before we got married." I say resting my head back.
"I'm glad too sweetheart. I'm sorry that he did this to you. You deserve someone that is going to treat you like a queen." She says and I sigh.
"He did treat me like a queen. He treated me amazing, but I guess it was all an act. He buttered me up and made me feel like this was the real deal and he just flips. Our entire relationship was fake. It sucks." I say looking down at my dogs.
"I know baby girl. I hate that this happened. I thought he was the one for you too." She says rubbing my leg and I nod.
"Let's just not talk about him anymore." I say and she nods.
The next day, I got up early to get my glam done so I can do interviews. I'm still doing most of them online with COVID, but I actually have a few scheduled that will be in person with social distancing implied.
"So when is you know who coming to get his stuff?" Paul asks as I sit in the chair while I get my hair and makeup done.
"Whenever he gets time off from his movie to come get it." I reply.
"You're being too nice. His stuff has been sitting by the front door for a month now. Call him and tell him that he needs to get his shit or you're putting it out on the street." Paul says and I chuckle slightly, but I know he's right.
"I haven't even talked to him since we broke things off. I don't know what to say." I say looking down at my phone in my hands.
"Exactly what Paul just said." Jill speaks up and I sigh.
"Fine, I'll call him now. Just because I know I'll never do it unless I do it now." I say unlocking my phone and going to my contacts. I hover over the call button for a good couple minutes before I take a deep breath and dial his number. I bring it up to my ear and silently pray that this goes well.
"Hello? Demi?" I hear Max's voice after a few rings.
"Yeah it's me. Look, your stuff is still here and it's been a month. What is your plan? It can't stay here forever." I say playing with my fingers.
"You know I'm filming my movie. I can't just leave to go get it all. I don't have anywhere to put it either. I don't have my own place yet." He says and I roll my eyes.
"Figure it out Max. I'm moving into my new house soon and I am not bringing all your shit." I say.
"We haven't even talked in person yet. Can't we at least talk before we do something big?" He says and I take a deep breath before I start yelling.

You are so Hypnotizing (Demi Lovato and Odell Beckham Jr.)
RomanceDemi and Odell have known each other for a few years now and have many mutual friends. What happens when they run into each other and discover that they both have feelings for one another. Oh yeah... Odell is hiding something. What is it? Will it ru...