Demi and Odell have known each other for a few years now and have many mutual friends. What happens when they run into each other and discover that they both have feelings for one another. Oh yeah... Odell is hiding something. What is it? Will it ru...
It's been a little over a month now and today is Odell's birthday. I wanted to do something special for him because he went all out for my birthday and he treats me amazing on the daily. Even if I just gave birth and I don't really want to leave Laia alone yet, Heather is going to watch both the girls so we can have a weekend away. Our one year anniversary is also in a couple days so we will be able to celebrate that as well. I rented out a cute cabin about two hours away so we will still be close in case of an emergency, but Odell and I need a little getaway. It's been all about the girls since I met Leilani and we deserve a weekend away. Odell is actually at practice right now and luckily it all worked out and he won't have practice for the few days we will be gone. The girls are both sleeping right now while I pack a bag for Odell and I. Odell still has no idea that I'm planning anything and all he thinks I did is get him a few gifts on behalf of the girls that he got this morning, but I definitely am not just going to do that. Especially after all he does for me. Once I finished packing the bags, I took a quick shower then got dressed in a pair of leggings and a long sweater. By the time I was fully ready, the girls were up and Heather just got here. I fed Laia while Heather got Lani a snack downstairs. While Laia eats, I pull out my phone to quickly post a birthday message for Odell.
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Liked by obj, maddelagarza, bendadonn and 1,824,513 more ddlovato: We drive each other crazy on the daily, but I'll love you, care for you and hold you down till the end. Happy Birthday to the funniest, most annoying, and sweetest guy I know. I love you baby❤️‼️🥰 Comments obj: Love when you all cute and shit. Love you always mamas😘😘 ddlovato: @obj It's my specialty🤷🏻♀️🥰 juice_landry: He really found a good one.. Love ya D! and 15,301 more
"You're so pretty baby girl. You look just like your daddy." I whisper as I run my fingers over her hair that is curling up really cute. "You better not act crazy like your daddy though. Your sister and daddy are enough for me to handle." I say and just then I hear a gasp and I look up to see that Odell was standing at the door with a fake hurt expression making me giggle softly.
"You better take that back." He says and I shake my head.
"You know you're extra as fuck baby." I say and he laughs walking over to me.
"Nah, I just got personality." He says and I chuckle while rolling my eyes.
"Yeah, whatever." I mumble as he leans down to kiss me. "Go take a shower. You stink." I say after we pull away.
"Damn is it roast Odell day. I thought you were supposed to be extra nice cause it's my birthday." He says and I laugh.
"Go take a shower." I say and he chuckles and turns to walk in the bathroom. Laia soon finishes eating, so I burp her and change her diaper before laying her down and walking to the closet to put my shoes on. I then walk downstairs and with her to talk to Heather real quick. "Okay, so I should have enough milk pumped and if you run out there's formula that I had to use when she was first born, so you can use that. If anything happens, call me or Odell and we will be right down. Are you sure you're okay watching them?" I ask her and she chuckles.