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Sandpaw pov

It was just after Rusty a.k.a Firestar wrecked Longtail, Bluestar said: "This collar represents your imprisonment, it has now broken, now I say before Starclan, From now on you are known as Firepaw, I myself will be your mentor, and Whitestorm and Lionheart will bring you up to date, dismissed." Sandpaw looked at Firepaw just as a ray of sunlight set his pelt on fire. It was dazzling. Then Firepaw looked into sandpaw's eyes, she hastily looked away while Dustpaw followed along, She and Dustpaw called at Firepaw a kittypet. At sunrise, Lionheart took Firepaw, Graypaw, and timid Ravenpaw along with massive boi Tigerclaw along to work on hunting. 

Sandpaw was taken along with Whitestorm, and then a mouse was streaking past Sandpaw's paws and Firepaw rushed past it to get the mouse. Sandpaw cringed as he streaked past, but she couldn't help admiring the fiery pelt Firepaw had. Later she noticed that Firepaw and Graypaw and Ravenpaw sitting together and eating their prey, she heard something from Graypaw: "Hey Firepaw how was today?" Firepaw replied: "Greypaw, you were with me, how could you forget it you mouse-brain!" And he cuffed Graypaw's ear. But suddenly Graypaw says: "Hey you and Sandpaw have the same mentor together!"

Then Firepaw says: "you're not gonna say that I and Sandpaw are together, cause if you say it, I will rip your tail out and feed it to the fishes!!!" Then they play-fight. Sandpaw went back to the apprentice den and thought over the words that Graypaw said, She thought to herself:" I do not wanna be with that kittypet, I'll rather be with Dustpaw instead!" Then she drifted off to sleep. The next day Firepaw was poked by Graypaw, who was awake already and said: "get up we have hunting duty to do!" Firepaw shook himself awake but not before Sandpaw noticed that his emerald green eyes were staring at him, she quickly turns away from him and faced Dustpaw and slept.

Sandpaw was later awaked by Dustpaw and he said: "come on! we have patrol duty at sunhigh and it's almost that time!" She, Dustpaw, Mousefur, and Whitestorm padded to the entrance of the wall of ferns. After Sunhigh Firepaw, Ravenpaw, Graypaw was all padding back with each 2 pieces of prey and tails high. Even Dustpaw had no insult at those three and Sandpaw went up to them and meowed a good job to you. And looking at those emerald green eyes. 

Firepaw pov: 

I and my friends were just coming back when Sandpaw meowed a good job and I and her stared at each other for a few seconds, Grawpaw and Ravenpaw's snickers shook me out of my reverie and I looked away. I glared at them and the snickers ceased and they looked a bit abashed. Sandpaw immediately look away and spat out: "kittypet!" And she walked away to Dustpaw and he glared at Firepaw and then started to talk to Sandpaw, then the snickers came back again and he whirled around and cuffed both of his friends around the ears. Firepaw saw that Ravenpaw had a scratch and he suggested that he go to spottedleaf and bid him goodbye and went out to hunt with Graypaw. 

Sandpaw pov:

After that debacle, I went to Dustpaw and talked to him and taunted Firepaw about his hunting skills and his battle skills until Whitestorm told them to pipe down or they'll get a tick duty. I went to bed and tossed and turned and thought about Firepaw.

(So hey guys this is my first one so tell me anything I should add and thx and I have to go bye!)

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