Tigerclaw reborn

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Sandstorm pov:

As I was patrolling with Raventail and Graystripe, I saw Grasspelt, a new Shadowclan warrior, she rushed up and with great difficulty, "There was a coup d'etat Raggedstar is killed by that filthy rouge, Brokentail, he exiled me. Can you guys please take me in?" I told her that we should tell Bluestar about this new turn of event. So we took her to Bluestar and with wide eyes, told Bluestar. Bluestar immediately called a clan meeting and told the rest of the clan of this new horrifying turn of events. Fireheart limped up and said: "Brokentail only has few followers. How come he can kill a leader in one swipe?" The rest murmered agreement with him. "That we don't know." replied Bluestar somberly. And after that, the clan dispersed. Goldenflower, a she-cat who just arrived in the nursery asked me: "Will the clan see Tigerstar in these kits?" I replied back: "Yes, but if they work hard enough, they'll forget that Tigerstar does not pass down what ambition into those kits." And I left. 

As I was sharing tongues with Fireheart, Dustpelt came up and said: "Uhh, Sandstorm? I just wanna say that I like Fernpaw more than you." I told him back that I already knew that, but I too like Fireheart. And that was it, Later Fernpaw was named Ferncloud and a gathering loomed into view. By that time, Fireheart was already about and conversing with Raventail and Graystripe about the coup d'etat, I joined in at times, but I was too embarrassed for them to see me and Fireheart close to each other. I was out hunting when Fireheart came up and asked me something that I'll never forget in my entire life, "Sandstorm? he asked, do you want to be mates?" Fireheart asked in a small voice. I immediately replied with a yes, and I nosed my way into his comforting chest fur. It could've been like this until Fireheart whispered that we should head back. 

Fireheart pov:

I asked Sandstorm to be my mate and I was shocked by how fast she agreed and she nudged her head into my chest fur and a sense of warmth went through me and I started purring. But then a familiar sneering voice: "How cute! The kittypet fouund a wittle bittle fwiend!" I whipped around and saw Brokentail, and Tigerclaw steps up. followed by Mapleshade, and they attacked, we tried to fend for our selves but we had to run. Luckily they didn't chase us and we suffered a few slashes and that was it. We went to Spottedleaf and Bluestar came up and demanded that what were we doing. I told that Tigerclaw and Brokentail and Mapleshade attacked us. Bluestar told us to not utter anything about them. "The clan is not ready." She explained. 

We were recovering when Sandstorm came and told me something. "Fireheart?" she asked, "I'm expecting kits."

Hi guys, Sorry if it is short, I don't have a lot of energy, so yeah, Vote and comment and share it pls



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