The Gathering

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Firepaw pov:

Whitestorm noticed my scratches and said: "Go to the medicine cat to see those scratches you have." As I went to Spottedleaf, I heard Whitestorm say to Sandpaw: "Sandpaw, why were you outside the camp?" No one noticed you and we wouldn't have Badger attack on one of the apprentices!" And Sandpaw said: "Well I'm sorry about that Whitestorm!" Then I went inside to take a nap. 

Until I was woken up by Tigerclaw, who said: " Get up Firepaw!, Bluestar wants to see you!" And I said: " Yes Tigerclaw!" And I got up and went to Bluestar's den. And Bluestar said: "Come in Firepaw!" And I entered, and Bluestar said that I was allowed to go to the Gathering with Graypaw and Ravenpaw. I was giddy and thanked Bluestar and raced out to tell Graypaw and Ravenpaw. And we told Sandpaw and Dustpaw about our luck and boy they were mad!

Sandpaw pov:

I and Dustpaw were sharing tongues when Firepaw and his friends came up and said that they were going to the gathering while Graypaw told us to have fun at camp! We spat at them while they ran to get ready for the gathering. I couldn't stop thinking that Firepaw distracted that Badger and taking little to no damage. That twinge came again, longer and much stronger.

Firepaw pov:

After that fun moment, we got some prey and ate it to prepare for the journey to the gathering, We were also laughing at Sandpaw and Dustpaw's incredulous expressions when we told them that. Then it was about to be night, so we got up and walked to the place of gathering, "I never knew that there were so many cats!" said Ravenpaw, "of course, there are, silly!" said Graypaw, and cuffs Ravenpaw in the ear. Then the Leaders yowled for silence and the gathering to begin. All the leaders went, all but Bluestar, then she said: " we have a new apprentice, "Firepaw!" 

Sandpaw pov: 

As I heard the cats selected to go to the gathering, I decided that I'll wait for the cats to come back. As I was waiting I asked to myself:  " why do I have a twinge every time I see Firepaw? "NO NO NO! I will not have any feeling for that kittypet! But can you stop it?" asked another voice in my head, Then the gathering cats came back with Bluestar in the lead followed by Redtail, Whitestorm, and a few more, after that, Firepaw and his friends. I had another twinge when I looked at Firepaw. "Why do I have these twinges when I see Firepaw?" 

Well I might as well go back to bed and prepare for sunrise. And I went to bed with Dustpaw and a few minutes later, Firepaw came in with Ravenpaw, Graypaw and they too went to sleep. At sunrise I got up to groom myself while Firepaw got up and went out of the den, then I heard the warrior, Whitestorm say, Firepaw, you and Graypaw, Ravenpaw are to take a assessment to catch prey, I'll watch over all three of you guys. 

Firepaw pov: 

I got up while my friends were still sleeping away, Whitestorm came up and told me that me and Graypaw, Ravenpaw is to take an assessment, I woke up Graypaw, Ravenpaw, and told them that: "we have an assessment to catch prey and we'll split up to different areas we all to be all alone and since it's Greenleaf, we should get at least 3 pieces of prey or more" I bid them good luck and set out to catch some prey.

(hello guys I've been keeping my promise and though it's a bit hard, it's fun! My best of wishes to Louisiana, which has been a hurricane magnet, and is about to face Hurricane Delta, best of luck to them and I wish them a speedy recovery)


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