Tigerstar's reign

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Shadowclan is in ruins, terror became the norm in it. The Shadowclan elders have been banished, and when Tigerstar heard of the Windclan-Thunderclan alliance, they drove Windclan out. Now they plan an assault on the Riverclan-Thunderclan Patrol. 

Runningnose pov:

Life in Shadowclan is terrible, all of those kits, were too young to fight in pointless battles and wars. Blood flowed from patients that I could do nothing to save them, queens wailing for their lost kits, what can we do, nothing... As I was gathering herbs, a scorching pain sprung up on my back, and I saw Brokentail attacking me, Tigerstar, who was a few tail-lengths away, did nothing. Knowing I was gonna die, I slipped out of Brokentail's grip and ran all the way to the Thunderclan border.

Bluestar pov: 

Fireheart and his friends have been gone for a few moons now, little does he know, he has 4 beautiful kits, they are now 3 moons now, and are the only ones, for now, Ferncloud, Dustpelt's mate, is due in a moon or so. As I watched the clan, Beetlewhisker and Cloudtail were escorting Runningnose, who was heavily bleeding, and Spottedleaf immediately came up and took him to the medicine den. Cloudtail informed me that Brokentail had attacked him, and now Runningnose asks us for sanctuary. I immediately called a clan meeting and told them that should we let Runningnose stay here, Darkstripe again opposed this, Adderfang supported Darkstripe, due to the fact that Darkstripe was Adderfang's last apprentice.

Whitestorm and the rest agreed. And that was over...........

Tigerstar's pov:

I have Shadowclan in my hands, Brokentail, my faithful deputy has ripped Runningnose, and now that coward has run to Thunderclan, I'm a bit worried about Brokentail, he could kill me and take over anytime he wants. As I was watching the clan, Brokentail came up and asked me in a surprisingly polite way that can he attack Thunderclan, I refused, explaining that they have a Riverclan-Thunderclan alliance, "We are in the middle of those two." Brokentail then backed away. Then, I got up and went for the Riverclan border.......

Okay guys, what do you think will happen??? 




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