Time for a nice battle!

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(in my timeline, Ravenpaw stayed in Thunderclan and became Raventail :)

Fireheart pov:

Nightfall now settled and me, Raventail, Graystripe sat vigil, guarding the clan and not speaking a word, but the gleam in our eyes was more than we can tell, we were immensely proud of us becoming warriors. At moon-high, I detected an unfamiliar scent, but I could tell there was shadowclan beneath the stench, the look on Graystripe, and Raventail. They could smell it too, then I motioned that I'll notify Bluestar. Then suddenly the bushes exploded, and Raventail and Graystripe fended them while I yowled, "Rouges!" And without looking, I rushed back to the battle and found a rouge with a tail that was broken, it was Brokenstar, or at least Brokentail.

 I sprang at him and tussled, while the rest of the clan rushed to our aid, and they too fought the rouges. But I saw Sandpaw, about to be ripped to shreds by two rouges that were at least twice the size of her, I shook Brokentail off and rushed to her and ripped one-off, but not before he ripped my belly, a thunderous pain shook me but I still continued, Sandpaw looked around and blushed and said: " Thanks Fireheart." And I said: " No problem" before everything went dark.

Sandpaw pov:

It's a peaceful one, well until Fireheart's yowl "Rouges!" rang out and I prodded the rest awake and raced to Fireheart and his friends, they were already heavily bleeding due to the fact they were outnumbered, then all of us rushed to help them and the tide slowly turned against them. I saw Brokenstar/tail fighting Fireheart. But then two rouges one with a face that was heavily scarred and one a massive gray tabby approach me, and I was thinking that I was about to be ripped up to shreds by these hulking rouges, then suddenly Fireheart came up and got one off from me while I bit the other rouges tail hard and he ran away. And a few seconds later, I saw the other rouge run off and I saw Fireheart battered and having massive slices and was dripping at an alarming rate, I said: " Thanks" while I probably had a blush and he replied: " No problem."

 Then he collapsed and I took him by the scruff and Raventail and Graystripe scratched and bleeding but not as heavily as Fireheart helped me carry him and took him to Spottedleaf, she went to work immediately but not fast enough to staunch the flow of blood fast enough, and she murmured: " Fireheart is the cat of the prophecy, we have to save him" And she told us to leave while she worked on him. 

Fireheart pov:

I started to regain my senses and cracked my eyes open, Graystripe, Raventail was watching me saw my eyes open and said: " well it took you long enough to wake up, from the losses of blood, we thought you were a goner!" I weakly replied: " How long was I out?" well, "you were out for a week, it was touch-and-go but we got you in the end!" Inside me, I was astonished that I was out for a week, Oh yeah! Graystripe said Sandpaw wanted to see you while he and Raventail snickered and left and I heard that she was allowed. Then she came in with her muzzle blushing and sat down, "Thanks for saving me, I didn't know those wounds would knock you out for a week!" she said, well we save a clanmate though, I replied, I tried to get up but was pushed down by Spottedleaf, who said, " Don't get up, you don't want to reopen those wounds!"

 I asked her, Can I see Bluestar? She said: " I'll get her" and left, "why do you want to see Bluestar?" She asked, well, I saw you and Dustpaw really bring it down on those rouges! I replied back, And Bluestar came in and asked " What is it Fireheart? The whole clan thought you were dead!" Well I'm alive, aren't I? I joked, "okay tell me what you really want?" said Bluestar. Well I saw that Sandpaw and Dustpaw fighting really well as I said that, Sandpaw's eyes widened, well, they did and they are indeed to become warriors, I'll alert the clan. "Let all cats who can catch their own prey gather around!"

 She yowled, "Dustpaw, Sandpaw you two come forward", She meowed "Whitstorm, is Sandpaw ready to become a warrior? Yes, she is, replied Whitestorm, Redtail, is Dustpaw ready to become a warrior? Yes, he is Bluestar, meowed Redtail" "Then by the powers of Starclan are you two ready to sacrifice anything and everything for your clan?" Said Bluestar, they both replied yes, "Then you, Sandpaw, you henceforth shall become Sandstorm, and you Dustpaw, you will become Dustpelt, and you shall sit vigil" said Bluestar and the clan yowled their names. 

Somehow I wrote 2 chapters in one day yay for me ;)

you know the thing:

Vote, comment, follow me if you want to, and have a good night!


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