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I am Tallstar, leader of Windclan, just a few sunrises ago, Shadowclan warriors treacherously launched an attack on us. They may be few, but they make up in skills. My deputy, Deadfoot, was the cat who took the most wounds, he is still alive, but that's in the paws of Windclan. As the clan moved about, another attack, larger, hit the Windclan like a stab of lighting, this time, they were driven out. "What are we gonna become!" Furzetail yowled. "I don't know," Tallstar replied wearily. "We need to go to a place where there's a moor, set camp, and forget the clans," Deadfoot replied weakly. And they continued to trudge to an unknown world.

Back at the Thunderclan camp, Flailclaw suddenly burst out and Fireheart came up and demanded what happened. "Sha-Shadow-Shadowclan drove us out!" "What!?!?" Fireheart yelled, and Bluestar came out and Fireheart told her of what happened, Sandstorm also came up and murmured to Fireheart. "Flailclaw, where is Windclan going?" "I don't know he gasped." Spottedleaf and Cinderpaw came up and took Flaiclaw to the den and placed herbs to heal him.

Fireheart pov: 

After Flailclaw was guided to the medicine den, I decided to amp up the border patrols and the hunting patrols. They followed without question. I went to Sandstorm, who was in the nursery for already 3 moons and expected to give birth in about 3 sunrises. I went up to her when she saw me and started to purr, I dropped a vole and watch her eat. After she was done, we were discussing Shadowclan and the future of us and our kits. Then I got up and went to a patrol to bring back fresh-kill. A gathering was looming into view, I of course was selected along with Graystripe, Raventail, Cloudmist, Beetlewhisker, Spottedleaf, Cinderpaw, Cloudtail, and Bluestar.

At the gathering, Shadowclan and Windclan were absent. So we and Riverclan started it, we all agreed that we need Windclan, they each agreed to take 3 warriors each, for Thuderclan, Me, Graystripe, and Raventail. For Riverclan, Heavystep, Lakestorm, and Mistpelt. We immediately set off. 

Sandstorm pov:

As I watched Fireheart race off, I worried about him due to the fact that the dangers were unknown. I padded back to my den and rested. For a few sunrises, Fireheart was not present, so Dustpelt had to take the deputy duties. Then, I was suddenly in total agony, "Spottedleaf!" I yowled, "The kits are coming!" They ran up and told Brakenfur to grab a stick for me to grip it, then the first one came, "It's a tom" she said, I looked up and saw him, he looked just like Fireheart. Then the second one and the third, and finally, the fourth, the first and the second were toms, and the others were she-cats. Exhausted I collapsed and slept and slept.

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