life as an apprentice

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Chapter 2:

Hey guys, since there's a holiday, there will be a chapter per day till next Tuesday! yay, and then we go back to 1 chapter a week, possibly more..... Enjoy!

Firepaw pov:

After that embarrassing thing, Sandpaw whirled around and went to Dustpaw while he snarled at Firepaw, "kittypet!"  Then he went into the apprentice den. It was a few moments before Graypaw's mew came in, " I think that Sandpaw may like you!" It was at that moment that I pounced at him and I and Graypaw started a play-fight. Ravenpaw, always so shy, didn't join in and he too went to the apprentice den and didn't come out before I and Graypaw finished our play-fight. Then we three went out to hunt for the clan.

Sandpaw pov:

As I went into the apprentice den, I heard my friend Dustpaw yell "kittypet!" to Firepaw, I felt a bit of twinge as I heard the name, I subsequently pushed it back down and went to sleep. It was just a few minutes when I peeked my eyes open just to see Firepaw and his friends going out, I thought, "I should spy on them to hear what they do!" I slinked out and followed them, as I followed them, I heard, "where do you wanna go hunting?" Said Graypaw, "let's go to the great sycamore, there's been loads of prey lately!" Said Firepaw, I saw his fiery pelt, and that took my breath away, and then I snapped a branch, they froze.

Firepaw pov:

We suddenly heard a branch snap, we froze, then whirled around to see the culprit, nothing... Graypaw meowed, "Let's just go hunting, shall we?" I and Ravenpaw agreed that. And we left more the Great Sycamore. I couldn't help wondering that someone was following us. Soon we were coming back with our jaws holding at least 3 pieces of prey or more. Everybody was looking hopefully at the prey we were carrying. 

Even Tigerclaw and his cronies had no insults to throw. But that was not all, Whitestorm came up and asked, "Have you seen Sandpaw, she disappeared earlier this morning?" Then suddenly, Sandpaw came up and said, "I'm here, Whitestorm!" and looked at Firepaw sheepishly. I suddenly remembered something. 

Sandpaw pov:

I was following them and admiring their hunting skills when suddenly, I was spotted by Firepaw, and he told: "come out Sandpaw, we know you're there!" Knowing that I was caught red-handed, I came out, and they asked me: "Why are you spying on us?", I said truthfully: " I was spying on you guys." and I looked sheepishly to Firepaw. Then suddenly, he froze, and yowled, : " Badgers!"

 And I whirled around and saw a lumbering Badger and came for me. I thought, "well I'm gonna be ripped to shreds, might as well fight!" But suddenly I saw a flash of orange streak past me, "Firepaw!" And he, Graypaw, Ravenpaw tore at the Badger while I looked stunned, then the Badger swiped at Firepaw and missed, though taking a few pieces of fur. Then the Badger left, wounded. 

Then Graypaw and Ravenpaw came to him and said, "Are you okay?" He got up and said, "I'm okay, only a few scratches, most of the blood are from the Badger! Then he got up and left. I got up too and followed suit, I heard Whitestorm asking Firepaw where was I, and I came and said, " I'm here, Whitestorm!" And I looked at Firepaw.

Hi guys! I managed to get a chapter today! yay, the next chapter is coming tomorrow! ( I hope)


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