Attacked again LOL

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Sandstorm pov:

As I and Fireheart walked toward the camp, Tigerclaw came up and told Fireheart that Redtail told him that he and Fireheart should hunt alone. Now I knew that Tigerclaw hated Fireheart, so Tigerclaw is acting sus. They left, I decided that I should follow them and see what are they gonna do. As I followed them, Fireheart asked Tigerclaw: "What are we doing Tigerclaw?" I can hear a bit of contempt in Tigerclaw's voice when he said: "Today you shall die!" And Tigerclaw leaped at Fireheart. I was shocked, but then I sprang at Tigerclaw, Tigerclaw was a bit surprised when he saw me. Tigerclaw sliced Fireheart's side open and then ran away. 

I rushed to Fireheart while his blood dripped, I got his scruff and dragged him. When we came in to the camp, shocking mews came and Spottedleaf came up and got him to the medicine cat den. I waited until Bluestar came up and demanded to me who attacked Fireheart, I replied Tigerclaw. And to top it off, there were a few strands of Tigerclaw's fur on him. So Bluestar called a clan meeting and beckoned Tigerclaw to come forward, "Tigerclaw, you have attacked Fireheart, do you have anything to say?" Tigerclaw denied it, then we brought in the proof. The few strands of his fur and my witness was all they needed. Before Bluestar said anything, the whole clan rushed at Tigerclaw and killed him. 

Fireheart pov: 

I only remember Tigerclaw jumping on me, then I woke up at the medicine den and saw a horrible yowl and was ended by a gurgling noise. I raised my head and saw Tigerclaw, dead. Then Spottedleafcame up and said: "Sandstorm wants to see you." Sandstorm then came up and sat down with me and licked me till I said: "Sandstorm, I love you." Sandstorm replied back: "I love you too." Then Sandstorm laid down with me and we slept together. In the morning, Sandstorm was prodding me with her paw and saying: "Wake up! sleepy head!" I got up slowly and we shared the rabbit together. It was just the beginning of leaf-bare when Bluestar yowled a meeting, she sadly announced that Redtail is retiring from deputyship and she announced that Lionheart shall become the new Deputy. 

After that I slept until Spottedleaf informed me that I was clear to go back to the warriors den after I get a vole to eat. As I ate it, Bluestar again called a meeting and said that Cloudkit shall become Fireheart's apprentice, Cinderkit became Spottedleaf's medicine cat apprentice, Rainkit became Longtail's apprentice, and finally Brackenkit became Graystripe's apprentice. After that I went to the warriors den and slept. In the morning, I took Cloudpaw and Graystripe tagged along with Brackenpaw and we toured the Thunderclan territory. After that, we had a hunting lesson and Cloudpaw was a natural tracker, though his hunting skills need much practice! Then we went back and ate prey and then we went to sleep.

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