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Firepaw pov:

As I was hunting for prey when I smelled a thrush and it was a big one! I crouched down and waited for it to come down, then it did, and I slinked toward it and wham! I killed it. And I thanked Starclan for letting me catch this prey. And I buried the prey and went on to catch some more prey. After sunhigh, I caught about 3 more pieces of prey and I went to get the thrush and went to the camp and waited for my friends to come. Soon they came too with 4 pieces of prey each and we all deposited them and waited. Whitestorm came up and told us: "Great job you three!" And he beckoned us with his tail to Bluestar's den and She told us "That you will become warriors in the evening." Then she told us that Mistytail, a Thunderclan queen who is expecting Blazestorm's kits have just kitted and you should go and visit them. We thanked her and went to see Mistytail's kits who were Silverkit, Yellowkit, and Blackkit. (all are she-kits) And we prepared for our warrior ceremony.

Sandpaw pov:

As I watched Firepaw and his friends walked out, tails high, I had another twinge again when I see Firepaw. And suddenly I had a dream where me and Firepaw, walking together then I shoved it down but, it's starting to fill up, I suspect something, do I have a crush on Firepaw? I don't know but I think that I should tell him that when he's alone, but that'll be a challenge though. Then Dustpaw bumps into me and says: " Why do you have a moony look in your eyes?"

 I snapped out and said: " No I don't you daft furball!" And I whirled around and went out with Dustpaw having a confused look in his eyes. As I was walking out, I was thinking of Firepaw more and more steadily, that was in my mind as I hunted for prey, and as I was walking back, Bluestar yowled, : "Let all cats who can hunt their own prey gather around for a meeting!"

Firepaw pov: 

As Bluestar yowled we went to the great rock and waited, Bluestar asked lionheart if Graypaw was ready to become a warrior, Lionheart replied: "yes he is." Then He asked Tigerclaw if Ravenpaw was ready, Tigerclaw to replied yes, then She said herself that Firepaw was ready too, and asked us if we were to do everything and sacrifice for our clan. We all replied with an touch of excitement, "yes we are!" And she said, "Starclan, these cats are ready to become warriors I beg you to look after them. Graypaw your name henceforth is called Graystripe, Ravenpaw, your name will be Raventail, and Firepaw, you shall become Fireheart!" said Bluestar. 

And the whole clan yowled our names. Then Bluestar waved her tail for silence and meowed that these new warriors shall keep vigil and no talking was allowed. And she said: "Dismissed!" And everybody dispersed about, going back to work on whatever they do. Nightfall came fast, and we stood there warm in the Greenleaf and proud of our new names.

Sandpaw pov:

As we watched the ceremony I saw a bit of pride flare up in Firepaw's eyes and relaxed at the sight of those eyes. Then Bluestar dismissed us to go do their stuff, and soon nightfall came in and I slept but without Dustpaw because he was starting to get really annoying that I starting to hate it. Then I saw Firepaw and I sighed at the fiery pelt he had. 

Hi guys, a chapter a day is starting to get on me, so I'll be doing 1 chapter in the weekend but after that, in the 2 day holiday, I'll go back to a chapter a day, 

you know what to do, vote, view, and comment!

thanks guys



P.S. I'll try to write a chapter a day though ;)

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