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Sandstorm pov: 

I was grooming myself, Fireheart came up and said: "Hey Sandstorm, you wanna go hunting" Sure! I replied back and I went to ask Redtail that if I can go hunt with Fireheart, Redtail agreed with a hint of amusement in his eyes. I told Fireheart that we were allowed and me and him went hunting. As we were hunting, I smelled mice and dropped to a hunter's crouch immediately, Fireheart wispered that he'll drive to me and I'll catch it and he went of. As I waited, I replayed the confession I said to Fireheart, " Did he hear what I said at all? " I asked myself. Then suddenly I heard Fireheart's yowl, and I snapped out of it and catched the mouse. Fireheart came up to me and said: "Good job! Now let's bury it for later and let's hunt for more." I buried it and we went our way. 

As we were walking, I stepped on a thorn and yowled in pain. And Fireheart came rushing up and asked me if I was okay, I replied with a yes. Then he saw the thorn and gently pulled it out and licked my bleeding paws to stop the flow of blood, a small purr started and before long, a loud purr was coming out of me, Fireheart, too was purring while he licked my paws. I said to hm: " Fireheart, I want to tell you something." "hmm?" he replied back. I perpared my words and said: "Fireheart, I couldn't hold it anymore, I love you." 

Fireheart pov: 

Sandstorm said: "Fireheart, I couldn't hold it anymore, I love you." I processed the words, and then I purred in return and said: "Well, I have to say, I love you too" And then she nudged her head in to my chest fur. I was shocked by it for only a second, then I started to lick her ears. And it was just the two of us embraced in the love of each other, then I pulled out and said: "We should continue hunting you know." She gave a nod while her eyes shined with the love, we went hunting, but with our tails entwined together. 

After sometime, we were coming back with 3 mices, 2 birds. We went to the fresh-kill, then, Cloudkit, came running up and said: "Fireheart! Did you and Sandstorm catch all of these prey!?!" I replied with a purr in my throat: "Yes we did, Cloudkit, you should take a mice to Patchpelt, he might tell you a story worth of it." Cloudkit meowed a yes with enthusiasm clearly in his voice. So he took a mice and carried while stumbling to the elder den. Sandstorm meowed with amusement in her voice: "Well, he's already 5 and a half moons old, he should be getting his apprenticeship soon. I replied: "Yeah, he's getting way too big for the nursery den, I kinda hope he'll become my apprentice, but it's Bluestar's choice." 

Hello, guys I can't write that much because I'm a bit too tired, Sorry for the 500 word I wrote, I try to write more in the future! 


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