A nice little crush

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Sandstorm pov: 

As the clan yowled our names, I saw Fireheart give an approving nod and I mouthed thanks in return. And then we prepared for our vigil, Dustpelt came up and nudged me and said: " Hey, we're warriors now! Aren't you happy?"  "Of course I am!" I replied back, and I replied, I need to get something and I'll come back. Where I was heading? To the Medicine den, I knew what I was gonna tell, but I'm not sure that Fireheart will accept it due to the fact that I too taunted him in the beginning. 

But I was itching to tell, and plus, the earlier, the better, I trotted up to the medicine den and saw Fireheart, taking a doze. (In my timeline, Spottedleaf never liked Fireheart, makes thing easier) And I went up to him and prodded him awake, and he awoke slowly and looked up to me and said in a groggy voice: "Sandstorm? What do you need me for?" I paused, unable to remember what to say, then Fireheart said: " What is it?" Then I said out loud rapidly: " I like you " And I ran out fast. 

Fireheart pov:

Sandstorm said something rapidly and ran out very fast. I was a bit puzzled, I only heard the word "like" but nothing else, "Did Sandstorm just run out?" said Graystripe, "Fireheart?" said Raventail, "I'm over here guys" I replied back, "Was Sandstorm saying something to you?" Snickered Graystripe, I beckoned them over and told them what Sandstorm said, "So you only heard the word like?" 

hmmm, I replied back, what could that mean? "Are you a mouse-brain?" retorted Graystripe, "It can only mean one thing", meowed Raventail, "She likes you!" Graystripe and Raventail replied in unison. I felt something hot crash over me, "Sandstorm, likes me?" I thought to myself before I can stop my meow, I said: "Well, Sandstorm is pretty." And the gleeful faces told me that. "Well, after I'm out and about, I guess I can tell her about my feelings too," I replied with a wave of embarrassment go over me. And as nightfall came I sighed and prepared to go get ready to sleep. As nightfall settled around I slept thinking about Sandstorm. 

Sandstorm pov:

As I and Dustpelt sat vigil, my insides were squirming about what I said to Fireheart, maybe I should ask Bluestar that I can hunt with Fireheart after he recovered. But for now, I need to keep vigil with Dustpelt, as I sat there, guarding the camp, and I was daydreaming about Fireheart. At Midnight, I was starting to shiver due to the fact that greenleaf was starting to wane, and leaf-fall was just about to begin. Around Dawn, I was about to fall asleep when Redtail came up and said: "You too, you're allowed to talk now" (If you didn't know Redtail is Sandstorm's father) And I stretched, yawning and about to go to sleep when I saw Fireheart, coming out of the den and talking to Graystripe and Raventail. I felt a rush of love when I saw his muscles rippling and his fiery pelt. 

Then I went to my den and collapsed into my soft nest and slept like a Badger. 

Fireheart pov:

I saw Sandstorm and Dustpelt coming back, Fernpaw, rushed up and nuzzled Dustpelt and they two went to get a piece of fresh-kill. I wondered to myself, would that happen to me and Sandstorm? Only time would tell, besides, I'm all fit again, and I hope I'll be getting Cloudkit, one of Brindleface's kit. And I trotted up to Sandstorm and said something.

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