Host club ball

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(H) I'm here

(K) *huffing*

(T) Kyoya haruhi you were almost late

(K) the teacher needed our help with some business checks

(H) where are we needed?

(T) go change the party starts soon

(H) ok *grabs bag*

(K) *walks to bathroom*

(H) *pulls on long blue gown* how am I going to style this mess

(K) *walks out in tux* I'm ready

(Ho) kyoya you look great

(K) thank you

(T) where's haruhi?

(H) I'm here *walks out in dress* I need some help with my hair

(Kh) I'll help

(Ho) haruhi you look like a princess

(H) thanks honey

(K) beautiful

(Kh) do you want it braided?

(H) braid the right and left sides then tie them together

(Kh) as you wish princess *braids haruhis hair*

(K) looks wonderful let's add this to a princesses style

(H) a blue rose

(K) it's a glass rose brooch

(H) I love it

(K) *places rose between braids* it's beautiful on you

(H) thank you kyoya

(Hh) kyoya where did you get that from? Kaoru when did you learn to style hair?

(Kh) mom taught me

(K) my mother gave it to me to gift to a beautiful women and haruhi is a beautiful women

(H) I love it

(Ho) Tama-chan guests are arriving

(H) I need to go grab my heels be right back

(Hh) will be in the ball room

(K) I'll wait for haruhi

(T) *walks with hosts to ball room*

*guests arriving*

(H) *walks back in club room* kyoya where did everyone go?

(K) the ball room let me escort you there

(H) alright *walks with kyoya*

(K) you look beautiful haruhi

(H) thank you kyoya

(K) dance with me when we enter the ball

(H) ok

*ball room doors open*

(T) the next prince and princess enter...kyoya?

(K) *walks in with haruhi*

(T) *heart races*

(K) let's go my princess

(H) as you wish my prince

(K) *walks to center of dance floor*

(Hh) what's kyoya doing?

(Kh) he's dancing with haruhi

(T) I guess he offered her a dance before any of us could

(Ho) they are like a prince and princess

(K) *slow dances with haruhi* your wonderful

(H) my best friend taught me to dance

(K) *twirls haruhi* well your great at it

(T) they dance great together

(Kh) you think kyoya likes haruhi?

(Ho) maybe he does

(Kh) but he has two competitors

(Ho) Tama-chan and hika-chan like haruhi

(Kh) yeah they do

(H) *laughing* this is great

(K) were the center of attention now

(H) yes we are

(K) keep the brooch it really was a gift for a beautiful women and your perfect

(H) I love it

(K) *rubs hand on haruhis cheek*

(Kh) is he going to kiss her?

(T) No daddy doesn't accept

(K) *leans in to kiss cheek*

(T) no *running down steps*

(H) kyoya what are you doing?

(K) giving a kiss on the cheek

(T) *runs into kyoya*

(K) *kisses haruhi on the lips*

(H) *looks in shock*

(K) my first kiss

(H) my first kiss

(T) kyoya haruhi I'm sorry

(K) I was going to kiss haruhis cheek being a gentleman but you shoved me into a kiss

(T) oh my bad

(Hh) uh oh boss is in trouble

(H) I'm going to go back with the host members *walks away*

(K) tamiki you idiot

(T) I messed something up

(Ho) was that haruhis first kiss?

(Hh) really?

(H) yes it was

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