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March spring break

(H) good morning mrs.suzie

(S) hello haruhi how did you sleep?

(H) good

(K) when are we going to tell the host club I'm your boyfriend haruhi?

(H) we have been together for a month now I don't know when we should

(S) haruhi can you grab the sheets from outside on the clothes line I'll send kyoya out in a minute

(H) yes mrs.suzie *walks outside*

(S) kyoya I need you to help me update my computer

(K) alright

*helicopter flying above*

(H) what the?


(K) *running outside* tamiki what the hell?

(H) oh god

(S) why is their a helicopter above my shop?

(K) our host club friend being an idiot

*helicopter lands*

(H) not today

(T) haruhi

(H) hi tamiki

(K) tamiki why did you need to fly a helicopter here with the club

(Ho) he wanted to see haruhi

(Hh) so he brought us all

(S) nice to meet you all I'm mrs.suzie

(T) so where do we sleep?

(H) theirs only one guest bedroom

(Kh) well I guess we have to compete for it

(Hh) yeah we love a competition

(T) I'll beat you two at this

(Ho) oh boy this will be fun

(H) I'm going inside

(T) haruhi wait for us

(H) no *walks away*

(Hh) well let's go in

(S) I'll have to choose which team should get the guest bed room

- hour later -

(Kh) hey haruhi

(H) oh hey kaoru

(Kh) I see boss is trying to win this competition from mrs.suzie

(H) yeah if he wins it's gonna be nuts

(Kh) hikaru tries his best but he cares more about being with his twin than this whole competition

(H) you two always act different when your away from each other you have separate personalities

(Kh) yeah

*girl opens window knocking down vase*

(Kh) haruhi look out *pulls haruhi out of the way*

*glass cuts kaorus face and vase breaks*

(Hh) are you two alright?

(K) what happened out here?

(H) a vase fell from the second floor kaoru pushed me out of the way

(Hh) kaoru you have a cut on your face

(Kh) I'll be ok


(A) *walks in store*  aari produse

(H) hey aari

(A) fujioka haruhi fujioka

(H) it's been a long time aari

(A) yeah you look great but your arm

(H) yeah long story on that

(A) *sets box down and hugs haruhi* I've missed you

(T) a guy hugging haruhi

(Hh) who's he?

(A) I'm aari a middle school friend of haruhi's we knew each other for a long time

(Hh) *jealous*

(H) you haven't changed

(A) I'm still taller than you but you kept your long hair and your still pretty

(T) do you like haruhi aari?

(A) well uh I did back in middle school

(Ho) you liked haruhi?

(H) you did?

(K) you didn't know a man had a crush on you?

(H) no I had no idea

(A) It was a long time ago anyway

(Hh) as if haruhi would even accept him

(H) hikaru you don't have a judge on my friends

(Hh) I though we were your friends

(Kh) hikaru wait *runs upstairs after hikaru*

(Hh) leave me alone

(Kh) common what was that about you weren't over reacting because haruhi has an old friend you were jealous seeing her with another guy

(Hh) so what? She already knows I like her

(Kh) no she doesn't hikaru because you don't admit it to her boss does every day but it would help if you talk to her about it show haruhi how you truly feel about her

(Hh) I don't know if I can

(Kh) well I'm gonna go join the others *changes clothes pretending to be hikaru covering cut*

(A) alright well I'm off nice seeing you haruhi

(Kh) wait aari I wanted to apologize about how I acted today around you and haruhi, I'm new at making friends and it's different seeing haruhi comfortable with other people

(A) it's alright I understand if you guys ever want to you can come by my grandparents shop it was great seeing you bye haruhi

(H) bye aari

(A) *closes door leaving*

(H) so kaoru why are you pretending to be hikaru? *pinches cheek* and where's that cut on your cheek?

(Kh) well uh I used concealer but haruhi I set us up for a hangout tomorrow since it would be nice to spend one on one time with you since we don't always do that

(H) yeah we can I'm fine with that

(Kh) ok I'm gonna go talk with hikaru

(H) ok and kaoru tell him I'm sorry about how i yelled at him earlier today

(Kh) I will

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