Jungle pool

44 5 0

(T) welcome everyone

(H) where are we?

(Ho) woah that's a long pool

(H) am I even able to go through the water with this cast?

(K) the ootori hospital gave you a waterproof cast

(H) alright I guess I'll get out of these shorts and tshirt since I'm in my swimsuit

(Kh) hey haruhi do you need help with your hair?

(H) yeah tie it in a bun

(Kh) ok

(H) *takes off sling*

(Kh) here you go

(H) thank you *pulls off t-shirt*

(Ho) haruhi your swim suit is cute

(H) thank you honey

(T) *blushing*

(K) looks like boss is embarrassed

(H) I don't care but kyoya can you unzip the side of the skirt please

(K) yeah

(H) thank you *pulls off skirt* who else is going in the pool

(Ho) I'll join

(H) ok let's go *walks in pool*

(Ho) *jumps in with floaty*

(H) *laughing*

(Hh) *sprays tamiki with water gun*

(T) hey what was that for?

(Kh) obviously water gun war

(T) stop it I'm gonna get you chasing twins

(K) these idiots

(H) so honey if you know how to swim why do you need the float when you can swim?

(Ho) I think it looks cute on me

(H) it's a cute float that is decorated in bunnies

(T) *slips on banana peel running into post*

*large pool wave going towards haruhi and honey*

(K) Haruhi

(M) *drops glass*

(H) oh no

(T) Haruhi honey!

*large wave takes out haruhi and honey*

(K) where did it take them?

(M) I don't see them

(T) haruhi?

(Kh) honey?

(K) haruhi?

(Hh) do you think they hit their heads or winded up underwater?

(T) twins you two get goggles and search the waters north and south. Me, mori and kyoya will walk around looking to see if they ended up on land

(Kh) on it boss

(K) hurry a normal person can't last that long under water with no oxygen

*twins search the water*

(T) I'll search left with mori kyoya you go right

(K) on it *running* Haruhi Honey

(T) *shouting* Haruhi

(M) mitzuki? Fujioka?

(K) Haruhi?

(Kh) *standing up* I don't see them

(Hh) they must have washed up on the concrete

(Kh) yeah let's go find boss and mori

(Hh) yeah

(K) Haruhi!

(H) *laying on concrete*

(Ho) mori

(M) mitzuki

(T) honey senpai

(Ho) I found you *running over*

(T) are you hurt at all?

(Ho) no I'm ok

(M) was fujioka with you?

(Ho) no haruhi didn't end up in the area I washed up at

(T) she's still out their somewhere

(K) Haruhi *running over* Haruhi

(H) *unconscious*

(K) *shaking haruhi* haruhi wake up haruhi

(H) *not waking up*

(K) *giving Haruhi cpr*

(H) *coughing up water* kyoya

(K) your ok *hugs haruhi*

(H) yeah I'm ok where is everyone?

(K) all around looking for you and honey

(T) kyoya

(Hh) kyoya haruhi?

(K) were over here

(T) we found you

(H) hey guys

(Ho) haruhi are you ok?

(H) yeah I'm fine kyoya helped me

(T) atleast your both ok

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