Their last day

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(T) our final day has come

(H) I can't believe clubs already ending this year

(K) we still have sophomore year to return

(Kh) yeah kyoya's right will see everyone again soon

(Hh) what are you guys plans this summer?

(R) I'm going to karoezawa with aari it will help me stay calm more since I dont have any plans

(Ho) me and mori senpai are travelling around the world treat tasting

(M) and visiting dojos

(T) I'm flying to paris with my father to visit my mother

(Kh) me and hikaru are going to help our mother with her clothing business, haruhi my mom would love if you could test out some of her dresses and outfits

(H) I'd love to try them

(T) what's your plans haruhi and kyoya?

(H) my father will be going out of town for work but I will be staying at kyoya's home until he returns

(K) my father plans on having me and haruhi to get married

(T) what?

(H) mr.ootori wants kyoya to marry me but we will sort it out through summer vacation but will keep in touch

(K) yeah will always have our phones on us

(Hh) yeah nothing could separate us

(Kh) we can all mail cards or things

(Ho) me and mori will mail treat boxes from around the world to all of you

(H) thank you honey and mori senpai I'd love to try them

(Hh) that will be awesome

(T) before I leave for paris I'd like to go to your house for a week or two kyoya

(K) I'd be alright with that

(H) my father leaves in two days so I should be over monday

(K) ok

(T) I'll go today after school and stay in one of the guest rooms

(A) I can't believe this years gone by so fast

(H) well you get to see more of everyone once you and Ritsu join the club for sophomore year

(R) yeah we did join late I joined when you still had a cast on your hand

(H) yeah I got it off after our beach trip since I only needed it for a few months due to tamikis accident with me

(T) I was still sorry about that

(H) their is scaring but I'm still always able to move it but it's ok tamiki I'm better now

(K) it seems this days almost over our last time in club we said goodbye to all of the ladies and gentlemen and packed up club

(Kh) well we have a plane to catch in a few hours so were going to be first to leave bye guys

(H) *hugs the twins* keep in touch I'll see you soon

(Hh) bye haruhi

(Ho) we have to get to the airport to so will have to go now to

(M) bye haruhi

(H) bye mori senpai see you soon

(Ho) bye bye everyone

*twins and mori and honey leave the host club*

(T) I guess it's our turn to leave back home

(K) yeah it's our final moments here before we all stay at my home

(H) *holds tamikis and kyoya's hand* let's go you two

(K) were coming my love

(T) we say goodbye to everyone now it's time to see what the summer holds for the host club members

(H) yeah will see them next time

(K) when we return

- end of story-

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