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(H) my head hurts so much

(K) take it easy you have a few more steps to go

(H) how loopy was I?

(Ra) you were loopy enough to tell kyoya you loved him

(H) i did?

(K) yeah you said I love you kyoya

(H) oh I didn't know I did

(K) yeah

(Ra) well you can rest now you don't go back to school until next week since it's wensday and valentine's day is a Tuesday

(H) nice *lays on sofa*

(K) well I can stay here today to help then I have to go to school tomorrow to help everyone handle tamiki

(H) ok

(K) do you need any work?

(H) not that I know of I get emails from school but I haven't checked my phone yesterday or today I left it here

(K) is it turned completely off?

(H) yeah it would have drained the battery if I left it on because of the club

(K) ok I'll go grab it from your room

(H) ok thank you

(K) your welcome *grabs haruhi's phone*

(H) kyo can you help get these off it hurts to move alot and it's hard to do it with a cast on

(K) yeah *hands haruhi her phone and takes her shoes off*

(H) *turns on phone*

(K) you feeling alright?

(H) I still feel a little loopy after everything

(K) your father's cooking before he has to leave for work

(H) smells good

(K) *lays fuzzy blanket on haruhi* here you go

(H) thank you for all the help lately

(K) your welcome I'm the only trustworthy one that you would let help you so much

(H) yeah but I'm ok with mori and sometimes the twins

(K) yeah tamiki may over react over alot of things

(H) he spammed my phone but I'll take a nap after I eat

(K) ok

(Ra) Kyoya you can spend the night in the extra room we have since all of your help

(K) yeah I'll let my father know since you guys are family friends

(Ra) ok

(K) *texts yoshio*

(H) dad don't you have work in a few minutes?

(Ra) yes I'll be leaving soon

(H) ok

(K) my father said he's alright with it

(Ra) ok I have to get to work bye guys

(H) bye dad

- 13hrs later 8pm -

(Ra) *walking inside* hey guys

(K) hey Ranka

(H) *asleep on sofa*

(Ra) could you carry her to bed?

(K) yeah she fell asleep an hour ago

(Ra) ok I'm going to cook dinner

(K) ok *Carrie's haruhi to bed*

(H) *sound asleep*

(K) goodnight haruhi *lays haruhi in bed with blanket*

(Ra) your always so caring to her

(K) yeah

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