A generous gift

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- Feburary 1rst Haruhi's 17th birthday -

(T) kyoua what's with all of the bags?

(Hh) is it someone's birthday?

(K) did you idiots really forget this day

(Ho) it's haruhi's birthday

(M) mhm *holding his and honeys gifts*

(T) will leave during lunch to go get haruhi gifts

(Hh) yeah we didn't know when her birthday was

(K) were all friends with haruhi and yet you still don't know her birthday

(T) well we know everyone else's except hers

(K) well our gifts will be hiding in the club room everyone arrive early to club before haruhi

(Hh) well she does have a sling so she can't run

(R) I'll walk with haruhi keeping her occupied before we arrive to the club room

(T) thank you kasanoda

(R) no problem

(K) haruhis coming, mori let's go with these gifts

(Ho) coming kyoya

(H) hey guys I have a trip to karoezawa next month during spring break I'll be busy

(Hh) happy birthday haruhi

(H) thank you guys I'm glad you remembered

(R) happy birthday

(T) come to daddy birthday girl

(H) no

(T) why?

(H) my arm is in pain today

(Kh) you have surgery soon?

(H) yeah next week I'll miss a few days of club because of spending two days in the hospital and resting afterwards

(T) that's ok will let my father know and you have the twins in every class

(H) almost every class I have honey and mori for culinary, tamiki for club and kyoya for three classes

(Kh) yeah kyoya's in our fourth, fifth and sixth since we have haruhi every class except second and third.

(H) well we have to get to class now or will be late again so come on

(Hh) coming

(Kh) see you guys at club

(T) bye

(H) *walks to class with hikaru and kaoru*

- host club room -

(K) everything's set for haruhis birthday surprise

(T) are the guests coming or did we cancel club today?

(R) kyoya cancelled club it will resume tomorrow but the twins told haruhi they have a surprise for her in the club room

(Hh) common haruhi were almost there

(Kh) only down this hall

(H) what is going on?

*walk in club room*

Surprise! Happy birthday haruhi!

(H) oh my gosh you guys all did this?

(T) we went out of our way to celebrate your birthday

(K) your the clubs princess you deserve an incredible birthday

(H) thank you all so much

(Hh) your welcome

(Kh) let's do gifts first

(H) that's alot of gifts

(T) yeah some of us found out last minute that it was your birthday

(H) it's ok I've never actually celebrated my birthday big before after my mom passed my dad worked so much so I didn't get to celebrate it that much

(R) well you have this club family to celebrate it with you

(H) thank you guys

"Gift from the twins" headphones and a jacket

(Hh) the headphones are from me

(Kh) I got you the jacket

(H) thank you hikaru and kaoru

"Gift from mori" light pink strawberry designed dress

(H) thank you mori-senpai

(M) your welcome fujioka

"Gift from honey" box of sweets and a pink stuffed animal

(Ho) I though you'd like something sweet for your birthday besides the cake and a stuffed animal to match my bunny

(H) thank you honey senpai

(Ho) your welcome

(T) my turn

"Gift from tamiki" a large bear with Rose's and chocolate

(H) I assumed that was you but thank you tamiki

(T) your welcome

"Gift from kyoya" Haruhi's mothers old locket and favorite dress from kyoya's mother

(H) kyoya where did you get this?

(K) my mother was best friends with your mom she recognized family pictures of you when I was going over photos of the host club and knew kotoko

(H) *walks over hugging kyoya* thank you so much

(T) I guess his gift meant the most to haruhi

(K) your welcome

(H) *wipes tears* my mother passed away when I was really young she was a lawyer, i always saw this locket and dress in some of my mom's photos but i could never find it in her old belongings i never knew the friend in the photo was your mother kyoya

(K) my mom would always go out to her friends house and tell my father how her day went at kotokos she was heartbroken after hearing about your mother's passing

(H) I miss her so much

(K) if you'd like to meet my mom she would be happy to tell you her old memories with kotoko

(H) I'd love that kyoya thank you so much

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