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May 12th

(H) another hectic day

(T) attention everyone this is our last months as freshman in the ouran academy and in this host club so we will be having a party at the end of this month to celebrate before the final week of school

(K) funding will be sorted out by me and haruhi

(Kh) what's the theme of this party?

(T) it will be 18th-Century French Nobility but we have another dance as well The Ouran Fair

(H) the first dance will be the day before the 18th century dance

(K) this will cost alot but we will figure it out

(Ho) so we get to celebrate twice

(H) basically yeah

(T) well let's get planning

(Kh) this will be great

(H) aari

(A) hey fujioka

(H) what are you doing here in the host club?

(A) I came back to Japan for school since I went to karoezawa for spring break I'm a new student here but I'll be going here until I graduate

(H) I'm happy to see you again

(Hh) hey aari

(A) hey twins

(Kh) it's nice to see you

(A) yeah it's great to see you to

(R) hey anyone up for a new game of kick the can outside

(T) let's do it

(Hh) yeah

(Kh) common aari you'll love this game

(A) ok let's try it out

(K) you coming haruhi?

(H) in a minute

(K) what are you doing?

(H) I was texting my dad back about some things

(K) alright did Ranka need anything?

(H) he wants you to stop by more

(K) well I'll be happy to go by *kisses haruhi* now let's get to the others

(H) alright let's go

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