taking it easy

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(K) I'd like to ask you if I could come over to your home today

(H) yes you can come

(T) I feel so bad for what I did to haruhi

(Hh) boss you shouldn't have run to her

(Kh) how long does she have to be in the cast kyoya?

(K) she has to wear it for possibly a few weeks but she is needed to have surgery on her hand

(T) I feel so bad because I caused this

(H) it hurts to move but I have to rest it, it's my left arm so I'm still able to complete work

(Kh) Haruhi I can style your hair each day

(H) could you do it now? Since my hair is all over the place

(Kh) yeah *moves hair and starts braiding*

(Hh) kaoru your good at doing her hair

(Kh) it's easy since it's long hair and I can figure out new styles

(Hh) yeah like the one at the school dance when kyoya gave haruhi that rose

(T) was that a gift for her Kyoya?

(K) I let her keep it

(H) It's at my house

- After school -

(K) I'll hold your bag

(H) ok *walks to car*

(K) *holds door open* after you

(H) *sits down* thank you

(K) *driving to rankas* so haruhi do you like anyone?

(H) well I know mostly everyone in club likes me but their is only one guy I like but I don't think he feels the same way towards me because he doesn't show it like everyone else

(K) describe him

(H) he's you kyoya

(K) you like me?

(H) yes I do

(K) I didn't know because you don't really show everyone how you feel if you liked them or not

(H) I try to but I'm new at dating guys had crushes on me but they weren't my type once I got to highschool I started to figure out what guys I'd like and your the only one kyoya

(K) I like you to haruhi

(H) you do?

(K) I never dated anyone as well but my family would try and get me in relationships but I never truly had feelings towards them until I met you after our kiss at the dance I felt like you'd be the one I would want to have a future with

(H) yeah my feelings started after the dance as well

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