Tea party

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(K) haruhi guests will be arriving soon

(H) ok the twins, mori and honey are setting up tables I'll set up the tea sets as you handle all of today's host guest list

(K) alright what about tamiki?

(H) he's going to be all over the place and I don't want anything to be ruined so he will be waiting in his office until honey goes and gets him before everyone arrives

(K) ok *walks to door*

(Hh) haruhi were done setting table clothes down

(H) go in those cabinets and place down the tea cups at each table

(Kh) understood

(H) don't break anything

(Kh) we won't

(H) *sets flower vases on tables*

(K) haruhi would you like someone to take over for you, your over working yourself

(H) I'll be fine

(K) twins I'll lend a hand with the glasses as well as mori and honey

(Ho) were here to help

(K) honey go set chairs up around each table place six at each of them, mori take over for haruhi set the rest of the flower vases on each of the tables

(M) *nods*

(K) haruhi go sit down and take a break will take over for you

(H) *lays on couch* this is tiring to set up*

(K) *sets vaises on tables with mori*

(Ho) *sets chairs at tables*

(Kh) *sets tea cups on tables with hikaru*

(K) all set were ready for the guests now everyone get into your serving outfits

(Hh) yes sir

(K) Tamiki go get ready

(T) on it

(H) I'll go change as well

(K) ok

*everyone changes to serving suits*

(T) where's haruhi?

(H) *tieing hair in ponytail* here we go

(K) *knocking on door* haruhi are you ready?

(H) yes I'm coming

(K) your dressed nice

(H) yeah I decided to pants instead of the skirt that came with it

(K) well you look great, come let's get to everyone guests are arriving

(H) ok

(Hh) boss the guests are here

(T) coming *runs out*

(M) *let's guests in*

(H) welcome ladies and gentlemen

(K) to the ouran tea party

(T) hosted by me

(H) let's serve these guests now

(Hh) *walks around serving tea*

(K) everyone seems to be enjoying all the tea

(H) yes this party worked out great

- 1hr through party -

(T) haruhi why didn't you wear your skirt?

(H) because you guys picked out one that was to small

(Hh) it's cute

(H) I'm fine with pants they worked out better

(T) oh haruhi *runs over to hug*

(Ho) Tama-chan look out

(H) whoah

(T) *falls down with Haruhi knocking table over*

*tea cups and pots break*

(H) ow this hurts *glass shards in haruhis hand*

(Hh) oh no

(T) haruhi I'm so sorry

(K) she's gonna need stitches tamiki

(H) it hurts so much

(Hh) *helps lift haruhi up with kaoru*

(Ho) we have to go to the hospital

(K) yes I'll escort haruhi to the ER you all stay serving the guests get this mess cleaned up

(Hh) yes sir

(H) *walks to kyoya's car with hand covered*

(K) this is going to be a long afternoon

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