Hikaru's day out

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(Hh) *walks up to haruhi* hey haruhi

(H) Hikaru? Where's kaoru?

(Hh) he said he felt like he had a stomach bug so he needed me to fill in for him

(H) oh

(Hh) so what do you want to do?

(H) I don't know kaoru had everything planned so I didn't do any of the planning

(Hh) well we can walk around and look at some stores if you're interested

(H) yeah *looks up at clouds* hopefully it doesn't rain

(Hh) well if it does will find a place to stand before heading back

(H) yeah well let's get some of these cucumber relish pickles

(Hh) are you sure you want to?

(H) yeah let's buy some for kaoru as well

(Hh) ok

(H) *buys pickles*

(Hh) where to next?

(H) how about some ice cream

(Hh) yeah ice cream sounds good since it's hot out

(H) ok will take two vanillas

(Hh) thank you

(H) well let's keep going around looking

(Hh) ok *walks with haruhi*

1hr later

(H) *hearing thunder* did you hear that?

(Hh) what?

(H) it sounded like thunder

(Hh) do you wanna head back to the guys?

(H) yeah

(A) hey fujioka

(H) oh hey aari

(A) where you guys headed?

(H) were going home since it's going to rain soon

(A) I could ask my grandparents to give you a ride home

(Hh) we already got it covered

(H) hikaru the faster we get home the faster will be out of this storm

(Hh) well then go by yourself

(H) hikaru

(Hh) *running away from haruhi*

(H) aari I'm going to go find him

(A) ok fujioka

(H) *runs for hikaru* hikaru wait

* 20 minutes of running*

(Hh) *standing by tree in rain with headphones on*

(T) *calling hikaru*

(Hh) hey boss you think you could call me a cab

(T) how could you leaving a girl!? Haruhi isn't home it's been storming mrs.suzie called aari saying you left haruhi in the rain and she went after you

(Hh) I didn't know she didn't go back to the place

(T) pay attention to someone else for a change

(K) her fear *grabs tamikis phone* hikaru you need to search for haruhi she's terrified of thunder you have to find her now!

(Hh) *call ends* how was I supposed to know "hopefully it doesn't rain" "hey did you hear that" I'm an idiot *runs searching for haruhi*

(T) Kyoya how did you know haruhis fear?

(K) that day at the beach when the storm came late that night haruhi was terrified of the thunder

(T) you could have told all of us

(K) she didn't want me to tell you it was her fear

(Hh) Haruhi? Haruhi where are you?

*thunder sound*

(H) aha *scared in tears*

(Hh) *runs in church* Haruhi

(H) hikaru

(Hh) *wraps haruhi in blanket and places headset on* here *gets up*

(H) *grabs hikaru's hand* stay please

(Hh) ok *sits with arm around haruhi* I'm sorry I left you behind

(H) it's ok I forgive you *rests head on hikaru's shoulder*

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