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Note: Howby friends, thank y'all for waiting extra long for this chapter!! I really wanted to put alot if effort into this one and I had quit a bit of school to finish for Turkey break. Speaking of that happy Thanksgiving!!! Also....THE GOAT IS BACK YOU GUYZ!! YAY!!

Note: This GORGEOUS art is not mine it was made the incredible bakubakunyanyaa on Reddit, check her art out, sooo good!!!

"Ok, you are probably wondering what's happening, in short, we need all your help, Doc has been kidnapped." Xisuma announced to see his friends faces, illuminated by the flickering golden light, drop in astonishment.

"Oh dear!"

"Oh no, Doc."

"What?! That's harrible!!"

"Who took him?!"

A soft shower began to patter on Larry's shell that encapsulated Stress, Iskall, Ren, Beef, Etho, Ex, False, Keralis, Bdubs, Cub, Scar, Mumbo, and Xisuma in a kind warmth.

The dusty air twisted with the smell of rain and the sweet tint of magic in the wooden chamber.

Ren sitting across the room on a hard chest, locked eyes with X, concern clear on his face.

"X, what's going on? Where's Doc?"

"It's complicated, so I think we all need a good long talk and make a game plan, that's why we are here-"

"Wait, this is going to be long? You know what that means! Go get your snacks!"

Etho proceeded to ruffle through a chest behind him, pulling out a Tupperware container of strawberry cupcakes, which he placed on the table.

Then he sat smiling, resuming his focus on Xisuma.

Mumbo watching as his bandanaed friend excitedly started scarfing down the dessert

"How-how did you get cupcakes to keep in here, why do you even have cupcakes in here?"

"I've learned not to question it Mum, mmmm, SO good!!"

"Uhm, uh, thank you, I think, what was I saying again? Yes, the plan. Remember what is said tonight is only for your ears, we can't get anyone else involved. We will tell you more about why later tonight-" he glanced at his brother for a sec. "-ok so-huh- where to start, well let's start with-" he looked all the faces."-Beef, can you take over."

Beef's face heated in red as he scratch the back of his head, meekly chuckling.

"I guess, ok, so I kinda found this letter, that I learned was Doc's letter, and it, well basically it said that these, "Watchers" needed him to find a, "Imposter Hermit" who was a rogue Watcher. If he didn't find the Imposter or lost the letter, there would be serious punishments for him-anddd-well-anddd-"

"Beef dropped it into lava."


The pharaoh, his square face and long beard framed by his shining golden headdress and neck chokers shrugged. His big-eyed friend leaned out to slap him.

"Well, that's what happened. Isn't it?"

Beef sighed and looked at his amazed friends, the ones unaware of the kidnapping mouths hung slightly parted.

"It is! That's exactly what happened! And they kidnapped Doc, he is in their homeland getting, "punishment"!"

There was a silent moment, in which Hermits fumbled with the news in disbelief.

False spoke up, remembering what X had said on that cloudy cliff.

"So who's the Imposter Hermit they were talking about?"

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