Good Time to be Dead

580 11 79

Note: Original fart made for this chapter.

"Did you eat ALLL the cookies??!!"

"Spf-SPF!!! NO!!!! I HAD LIKE TWO!!!"

"There all gone!!!"

"Maybe I had more than two-BUT NOT ALL OF THEM!!!"

"What is B to give the new guy?!!!"

"It's chill, I got extra-"



"I always have some of these bad boys hidden away."

"I love you so much."


"I don't worship nothin'!!!"

"You're just salty cause you ate them all-"


"Man, I wish I had a flower crown right about now."

"Wait, guys, I think I just saw the newbie move."

"Really? Think he's awake?"

"I'll check!"

"We gonna pass by the FLOWER CROWN THING?!?!"

"You're the one who ate all the cookies!!"


The smell of smoke and burning wafted to him, like someone had forgotten a pot they were boiling, and it was hopelessly black, stove crusted with bubbled over grime.

His lazy eyelids fluttered open slow. All was dark, a pitch-dark night, not a star, moon, or celestial sphere, just black. And on this pitch-dark night, inches away from his nose, a broad face peered down at him.


Mumbo tumbled backwards, his unconscious breathing pattern, slow and relaxeds, exploding into panic gasps.

"Careful there!!"

Blinking a few times, he took in the man who had jump scared him. His already very large, hairy arms, where enlarged proportionally by his ripped-off-sleeve shirt. His face beamed with a grin, and it was easy to tell that a grin was how his features always rested. A very used and loved grin.

"Hi buddy!-" He held out one of his large arms, hand open and ready to shake, "Name's Skizzleman, but you can call me The Skizz!! What's your name?"

Mouth slightly parted, Mumbo blinked, staring at The Skizz's empty hand, not moving a twitch.

"Do you think he knows how to handshake?"

The Skizz turned to the voice.

"Don't know, hey-" he turned back to the statured Redstoner, "-know how to handshake?"

"Uhm-what, oh, sorry, yes-" Mumbo snatched the hand, Skizz's grip tight and full of warm welcome as he shook, "-My name is Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo."


Another voice came from beyond and Mumbo, still recovering from a serious case of disoriented, shook his head and blinked a few more times as he took him his environment. His vision faded in and out, edges becoming frosty then sharp, like focusing a camera lens.

The shot?

A fireside like one at camp that would be lit up with cheery camp songs sung by a crowd of exhausted, smoke soaked, and giggling prepubescents. This campfire was occupied with four prepubescents. Of course, there was The Skizz, with his joyous and welcoming grin, but there were also three more.

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