Chapter 1

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The two knights faced one another on dark colored horses, the beasts stamping their hooves with excitement. The Prince of Mercuri, his polished armor gleaming in the summer sun, spun his lance in a gloved hand and winked at the young woman on the sidelines, her callused hands busy with her own armor.

Lily snorted as the prince flicked down the visor on his helmet. She shook her head though her eyes never left him as he charged his opponent, his lance breaking on contact against the other knight's armor and knocking the man from his horse. Lily winced and turned her eyes away as she tied her hair back with a small length of rope.

Colorful banners hung along the arena, adding to the excitement in the air as the spectators, both in the stands and on the sidelines, cheered for the prince. Knights from all over had come to Mercuri for the annual jousting tournament, something Lily had only participated in once despite it being a favorite amongst knights. She had just missed it the year before as it had ended a month before her wedding, but this year she was determined to compete. She was determined to win.

"He's gonna be feeling that in the morning." Owen said, walking up to her.

"I believe he's feeling it now." Lily replied, pulling on a gauntlet and wiggling her fingers. The metal clinked softly like the jingling of coins.

"Well, Liam doesn't hold back, that's for sure." Owen grinned at her. "You know, I heard one of the lords betting against you."

"Oh?" She pulled on her second gauntlet, the rest of her armor already in order. She knew many of the attending lords and ladies were eagerly awaiting her entrance, but there were some who still felt offended at the slightest idea of a woman knight. There were some who waited to see her fall, who not only bet against her winning but also hoped the horse would trample her along the way. It didn't matter. To the high and mighty, a woman knight seemed a ridiculous idea. To everyone else, the ones who mattered, it was a relief. Her skills would not be wasted on the sidelines.

"Yep." Owen joked. "Apparently, some don't think a woman could possibly match up to all these great men who seem intent on killing themselves with a giant stick."

Lily laughed. "You including yourself among those 'great men'?" She asked, observing a purplish bruise on Owen's forearm.

"You entered the tournament as well." He crossed his arms and rubbed at the bruise.

"Yes, but I'm not a 'great man.'"

Before he could reply, Andrew jogged up to them, his eyes bright with excitement. "You're up." He breathed.

"Knock 'em dead," Owen grinned then shouted after her as she pulled on her helmet, "and make sure you win! I'm betting for you."

Lily hoisted herself into the saddle of her dappled gray mare, the horse nickering as she patted its neck and nudged it into the starting position. A servant handed her a lance, and she hefted it in her hand before spinning it as she had seen Liam do earlier. Her mare kicked at the dirt with a snort.

Her opponent faced her, an older knight judging from the way he held himself, all dignified pride, so unlike the younger ones who seemed to vibrate with excitement and nerves. She glanced up at the crowd and saw King Daimon watching them with careful interest. She had grown use to those cold eyes of his, barely even minded being near him anymore, though it had taken months-months of living in the castle and sharing her meals with Liam and the king who seemed determined to know her better-but the relief that had followed was worth every uncomfortable conversation and tentative show of magic. There was no more hiding for her.

The signal was given and both charged forward. Lily gripped the reins tightly in one hand and the lance in the other, bracing herself. The two lances just barely missed one another, and Lily tightened her fingers around hers as she turned to face her opponent again. The horses charged once more, but this time, Lily didn't hesitate as she aimed for the knight's shoulder. The lance connected, splintered, and jarred Lily's arm to numbness.

She shifted the lance into her other hand as she tried to regain the feeling in her left while the knight massaged his injured shoulder. It was obvious he had misjudged her, but he straightened up in his saddle, determination lining his every movement now. They faced one another again. This time, Lily's lance shattered upon meeting the knight's armor, but his lance pierced hers. Pain shot through her arm. She swallowed back a cry and attempted to shake it off as she reached for a second lance that a servant held out for her. She could call it quits now, could do so without any loss of dignity, but she was certain she could beat him. Just one more round.

She watched her opponent trade his lance out for a different one while the pain in her arm grew to a bearable throbbing. They met again, but this time a wave of nausea swept through her, and she faltered. It was only a moment, but it was long enough for her opponent's lance to hit her shoulder and knock her from her horse. Lily hit the ground hard, gasping for air as she rolled away on instinct. She regained her feet in one quick motion and saw her horse already being led away by a servant. She shook her head, trying to clear the ringing from her ears as she pulled off her helmet.

She wiped the sweat from her brow and limped away from the arena, waving at the crowd as a show of good cheer. Her path was then blocked by her opponent who carried his helmet under his arm. He stared at her for a moment before holding out his hand. "Good job out there." He said in a gruff voice. "I don't believe anyone's ever laid a hit on me before."

"First time for everything." She grinned as she shook his hand.

"You sure you ain't injured?"

She shook her head, the remnants of nausea causing her stomach to twist uncomfortably. "I'm fine." She lied as Owen jogged up to her. "Not a word." She pointed at him with a weak glare before she noticed the seriousness in his eyes.

"We have a problem." He panted. "Just now, a knight came through the gates, bleeding and barely conscious."

Lily tensed. "A knight?"

"Yeah. Judging from his armor, he's from Pierake. He's with Eldon now, but the last thing he said was that he had a message." He met her eyes. "For you."

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