Chapter 27

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"Where are you going?"

"I barely moved!" Basil protested, trying to pull his arm free from the knight's grip. Lily and the other three knights had only just faded from sight, disappearing into the hazy distance. Basil hadn't moved from the outskirts of the village where they had said their goodbyes. He had still been debating on how he should slip away when Joseph's hand grabbed his arm in a tight grip, startling him.

"You're planning something. I know that look." Joseph's eyes bore into him, and Basil looked at the ash coating his boots.

"I'm not planning anything."

"I hope not." Joseph released him. "You're still injured."

"Not seriously."

"Seriously enough."

"I feel Percy would disagree."

A dark shadow passed over Joseph's face, wiping any trace of concern from his eyes. "I was certain you two didn't care for one another before."

Basil had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at the jealous tone. "We didn't, but nearly dying has a way of changing one's mind." He glanced back at the village. "We're not exactly friends. Lily wasn't wrong about that, but I felt someone should at least stay behind with him. It seemed cruel to do otherwise."

"He's safe here."

"Is he? We've both seen our share of terrible creatures out here." Basil gestured widely to indicate the entire kingdom. "Who's to say one won't enter this village and attack the injured and weak? Besides, what reason do I have to go to the castle? It hurts to use my magic, and I'm no good without it."


"I'm going to visit Percy." The 'don't follow me' was left unspoken as Basil walked away.

He found the healer's hut with relative ease and went inside where it felt only slightly cooler. It was empty save for Percy, eyes closed and still lying on the cot with his splinted leg propped up. Basil knelt beside him and gently patted Percy's cheek until glazed eyes blinked open.

"B-Basil?" Percy's cracking voice made Basil wince, and he fetched a cup of water from the table. "What happened?" Percy continued after taking a long sip.

"You were injured."

Percy glared. "Yes, I know that. Where am I?"

"Oh, a village on the other side of the volcano. Just me, you, and Joseph remain. The others continued on with the mission."

"Why did you stay behind?" Percy asked suspiciously.

"Injured." Basil pointed at his temple where the bandage had already begun to peel off, mostly from Basil fiddling with it.

"Right. They are coming back for us, though, right?"

"No." Basil deadpanned. "The others were annoyed with your complaining so we're staying here forever."

"Funny." Percy's eyes closed.

"Hey, wait." Basil patted his cheek again, earning a glare as those glazed eyes reopened.

"What?" Came the snapped reply.

"I need a favor."

"What kind of favor?"

"Keep Joseph occupied. Tell him you need moral support or something. I don't care."

"Planning to run off into the desert by yourself?"

"Something like that. He can't follow me."

"Could be dangerous."

"Hello, I'm a sorcerer." He let green sparks dance along his palm. "I think I'll be fine."

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