Chapter 28

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The rarely closed gates of Railark shimmered as more creatures streamed from the forest, some hitting the gates head on as if that would grant them access. Blue sparks danced along Sage's palms as he strengthened the gates, his knights standing protectively throughout the town. Many of the townspeople were safe in their homes though some had stayed outside to help, their magic flying through the air. Even the knights Char had brought with him helped to protect the town, keeping close to the mountain path so nothing would slip past them.

"What are these things?" Char's voice echoed along the shuttered houses. He held a large scorpion by its tail, his sword having run it through.

Irene peered at it, her scepter clutched tightly in one hand. "I believe they call them scorpions."

He shot her an irritated look. "Yes, thank you."

She gave him a grin then spun, the blue stone atop her scepter glowing as it shot a beam of light at a creeping shadow nearby. Another scorpion fell to the ground in a smoking heap. "I wonder if you could eat them." Char said, looking at it over her shoulder.

"Disgusting." Irene made a face before she turned away to see Sage striding towards them. "Will the gates hold?"

"For now, yes." He replied, looking troubled and weary. He knew, as well as she did, that Dark Magic was involved in this. It had to bring up terrible memories for him.

"If you'd like, you can return to the castle. We can take care of things here."

Predictably, he shook his head. "No, I'll lead a search of the forest. We must rid the area of these creatures before anyone gets hurt."

He waved over several knights who followed him into the forest. Irene had to stop herself from following as well, both out of worry for Sage and uneasiness at being left alone with Char. Their earlier argument still rang in her ears as clear as the fighting around them. Her scepter buzzed under her fingers, the stone flickering wildly. She turned, only to be jerked back, a sword fluttering her dress as it cut through the air and into a scorpion that had escaped her notice.

Char released her immediately. "Be more careful." He barked, walking away and flicking blood off his sword.

Irene blinked after him, her fingers flexing around her scepter. Deciding not to follow him, she turned to search the other half of the town. So far they had run into nothing bigger than the scorpions, who were only as large as a small cat, and she worried the bigger, deadlier, creatures were lurking somewhere in the forest. She strode towards the trees, only glancing back once to check that she remained unobserved. Perhaps they expected a queen to behave herself better or rather they trusted her to stay safe. She slipped away with none being the wiser.

She was not the most powerful sorceress, the majority of her magic rested inside the crystal atop her scepter, but she liked to think she could hold her own when the time came. She had been Wisteria's queen for years, since her nineteenth birthday when her parents and younger sister had mysteriously vanished in the night, leaving her alone. Wisterian tradition, she supposed.

It seemed to happen with every generation; the unexplained, unprecedented disappearance of the entire royal family to force the oldest to take the throne. The more bitter part of her wanted to remain unmarried and childless to erase Wisteria's royal family forever, but that seemed a foolish thought. Childish, even. She might never bear her own children, but she would find someone to take her place on the throne, of that she was certain. She suspected the idea of her "muddying" the bloodline with someone of not royal or noble birth would horrify her parents. She could take comfort in that.

The bushes to her left rustled, and she turned. Her magic, like broken glass, fell around her, reflecting the bright sunlight. A low hissing came from the trees, and she gripped her scepter tighter as a large centipede-type creature crashed through the branches towards her. It opened its mouth to reveal razor sharp teeth before it lunged.

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