Chapter 16

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"I heard we had a visitor earlier."

The twins glanced up to see Sage walking across the courtyard towards them. Violet squinted in the bright sunlight of late afternoon as she shrugged one pale shoulder, her dark purple dress fanning out around her on the dusty ground. Acacia sat beside her, her rose-colored dress spotted with dirt as she ran her fingers through the soft fur of the black cat at her side.

"Just our dear brother-in-law." Violet replied, pulling at a small vine on the ground. The cat sat up, her eyes watching the vine intently.

"How odd that he would be visiting us. Did he say anything?" Sage asked, crouching down beside them.


The cat pounced on the vine, and Acacia smiled. "Silly June." She met her brother's eyes. "He was looking for Lily. He didn't say why, but Violet let it slip that she went to Pierake."

"I see."

"It wasn't my fault!" Violet protested. "I didn't know it was some big secret. I mean, why is Lily banned from Pierake in the first place?"

"I don't think that's the case." Sage said. "I think he simply wants to keep her safe."

"Knowing Lily, she probably promised she'd stay away from there, but found she couldn't help herself after all." Acacia interjected.

"She always was drawn to dangerous situations." Sage sighed.

"Remind you of anyone?" Violet muttered without thinking then winced at Sage's pained expression. "Sorry."

He shook his head and stood, dusting off his pants. "I've spoken with Char and Irene about the situation with Pierake."

"Are they going to do anything? Gods know we can't depend on Mercuri."

"Char wants nothing to do with Pierake. In fact, he's claiming neutrality now."

"Really? Neutrality? Him?" Violet snorted, brushing her hair from her eyes. "I thought he loved a good fight."

"Perhaps he realizes this isn't his fight."

"What about Lady Irene?" Acacia asked, her timid voice sounding even quieter as she watched the cat stalk a shadow.

"If we stand by Pierake, so will she."

"Are we standing by Pierake? Queen Sybil wants nothing to do with Railark. She's turned down how many of our peace treaties now?" Violet bit at her thumbnail, staring up at the navy blue sky. "We don't even know if there's anything to get involved with. We won't know until Lily and Basil return. Not for sure, anyway."

"No, but if the possibility arises..." Sage trailed off. "Perhaps our willingness to lend a hand will show Sybil that we are not as untrustworthy as she believes."

Acacia stood suddenly, panic and worry flitting across her face. "You alright?" Violet asked, studying her twin with a frown.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Her slim fingers clutched at her racing heart. "I just--" She couldn't explain the sudden panic that had shot through her or the sinking of her heart. Something just felt wrong to her.

"I hope Basil and Lily are safe." Violet said with a pointed look at Acacia.

"I'm sure they're fine." Sage assured. "They've probably reached Pierake Castle by now."

Violet's eyes found the small shadow on the opposite edge of the courtyard and sighed. The boy had been there nearly all day, sulking most likely, after discovering Basil had left without him. "When they return, Basil will have a lot of apologizing to do." She murmured.

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