Chapter 44

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Basil waited until the patrolling knight had turned down another corridor before he crept from his chambers, his magic circling his boots to keep his footsteps quiet. He avoided his siblings' chambers and the throne room altogether and finally his roundabout walk led him out the rickety door that led towards the royal cemetery. He hesitated then, using the moonlight to guide him, and found a nearly overgrown path that would take him through the forest and into town.

The warm night air and seclusion of the trees had him relaxing, a sense of peace coming over him now that he was free of any obligations. At least for the moment. The trees gave way to the town, eerily quiet, most people having the sense to be in their beds at this hour. The torches flickered in the light breeze as he walked aimlessly through the town until the unmistakable hiss of a sword being drawn stopped him in his tracks.

"Oh, Sire, it's only you." An unfamiliar voice stated, relieved, and a knight came into view from around a dark house. He clutched his sword but, at Basil's pointed look, sheathed it again with a sheepish smile.

"And you couldn't determine that before you drew your sword?" Basil asked, his magic fading now that he had been discovered.

"My apologies. I was informed to keep a careful eye out for anyone suspicious. You're the only person wandering the streets tonight. Has something happened?"

"No," Basil watched the knight warily, "I merely wanted to go for a walk, which I'd like to continue now if that's alright with you." His voice held the sharp edge of royalty which had the knight straightening his shoulders.

"Of course, Sire." He nodded and left, his footsteps hurried as he turned a nearby corner, disappearing behind the silent inn.

Basil sighed, rocking back on his heels, before realizing with a start where he had wandered. He stood before Joseph's house, the two story, thatched roof house, that was almost identical to many others in town. Although this was the only one with a cracked lantern hanging in front of it, and the only one with a candle burning inside. He didn't realize he was staring until the whispered sound of his name startled him, and his eyes jumped to the shadow coming from around the house.

"Joseph." Basil's heart pounded from the scare, but he was glad it wasn't the knight from before. Still, it looked suspicious with Basil standing there like he was.

"What are you doing out here?" Joseph asked, and had Basil been paying attention, he would have noticed the weary and unwelcoming tone in the knight's voice.

"Nothing really. Just decided to go for a walk."

"You should be resting." The tone was flat, and Basil crept closer.

"A-are you alright?" He glanced around, but they were the only two as far as he could tell.

"I thought you might be out practicing Dark Magic." Joseph's words were so soft that Basil almost believed he had imagined them, but not even he could imagine something so terrible coming from the knight's mouth. "Following in your brother's footsteps."

Basil froze. "What...why would you..." He shook his head before finding his words. "Are you still angry with me from before? Is that what this is about?"

Joseph sighed and turned away. "Just go away. I can't deal with you right now." Basil caught the silhouette of a women standing at one of the windows, peering out at them. "I have other things to worry about besides..."

"Someone so willing to throw their life away?" Basil finished bitterly, his magic circling Joseph. Joseph's eyes met his in surprise though the magic was no more threatening than the breeze stirring the air. "I won't try to explain my actions to you, but don't think for one moment that I'm going to become my brother."

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