Chapter 17

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Basil flinched away from the hands holding his face before he even fully regained consciousness. "Hey, wake up." One of the hands patted his cheek roughly, and he opened his eyes to find Owen leaning over him, the knight's face far too close to his own.

"Get off me." Basil groaned, pushing the knight away irritably.

"Well, you're a bucket of sunshine."

Basil sat up, the throbbing in his head made worse by his movements, while Owen moved away. He reached a hand up to brush the side of his head, his fingers coming away wet and sticky with blood. "What happened?" He looked around. It was dark, and he couldn't make out much more than the rock wall to his right.

"We went over the side of a cliff. Damn miracle we even survived. Can't say much about the others who went over with us." Owen replied. "Any injuries?"

"A few." He strained his eyes into the darkness. "What about Lily and Joseph?"

"Last I saw, they were hiding in a cave along with Aisha and Andrew."

He tensed. "We're the only ones here?"

A low moan from the darkness to his left answered him, and Basil jumped up, nearly falling as the world swam before his eyes. He placed a shaking hand on the wall, trying to regain his bearings. "Take it easy." Owen's voice sounded distant but worried.

"I'm fine." Basil waved him away. His magic flickered around him, lighting up the area and, eventually, the injured knight lying several feet from them. "We need to see to him."

"You took quick a hit on the head. Maybe you should sit down." Owen's hands hovered in the air as if preparing for him to fall.

"I am fine." He snapped as he walked over to the other knight and knelt beside him. "Unlike him."

Owen sighed, joining Basil. "His leg is broken."

"Yes, thank you. I can see that."

"Can you heal him with your magic?"

Basil glared at him. "No, I cannot. Do you see anything I can use to set his leg?"

"Oh, yes, I'll just find the nearest forest--"

"Just go!" Basil cut off Owen's sarcastic reply, and when the knight was gone, muttered under his breath, "why couldn't a less irritating knight be down here with me?"

By the time Owen returned, Basil had already ripped the injured knight's pants leg and was staring down at the injury with a thoughtful frown. It didn't look too terrible, a long strip of flesh torn away by the rocks but the bone wasn't showing through. He placed his hands on the leg, feeling the bone move as he applied pressure. The knight groaned, but he wasn't fully awake yet.

"Your magic is following me." Owen dropped a couple of saddlebags beside him and held out two spears. Basil's magic still danced around the knight, lighting on his skin before flitting away almost playfully. "Also I found some of the horses, and a couple of unfortunate villagers as well as our other two knights."

"Great." Basil muttered, breaking the tips off the spears. It wasn't perfect, but it'd do for now.

"They're like little fireflies." Owen caught one of the sparks in his hands but it vanished before he could inspect it.

"I'm glad you find it entertaining."

Owen leaned over him. "Need any help?"

"Yes, you can go away and let me finish this."

Basil held the two pieces of wood on either side of the broken leg with his magic and fished a roll of bandages from one of the saddlebags. As carefully as he could, he wrapped the bandage around the leg. He wouldn't be able to properly set the bone out here, especially with so very little light, but at least it wouldn't be moving around as much. He had just finished securing the splint when the knight woke with a pained groan, his eyes fluttering open.

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