Chapter 4

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Xan stepped inside the physician's chambers and closed the door as quietly as he could. It still let out its familiar painful screech which made the servant wince. Eldon gave no sign of hearing as he hunched over an injured knight, eyes intent on injuries Xan didn't want to see. Careful not to disturb the physician, he walked over to one of the cluttered tables in the small room and checked to see which herbs they needed. He wanted to appear as busy as possible so Liam didn't force him to return to the tournament. In fact, he wanted to avoid the crowded courtyard at all costs which was a shame since he usually enjoyed it.

"Yarrow, catmint, and juniper." Eldon said, startling Xan into looking up, but the physician had not paused in his work. "I'm assuming you will not be returning to the tournament, so those are the herbs we most need."

Xan blinked. "Right." He grabbed an empty basket and glanced over his shoulder at his uncle. "Eldon, do you think Liam would ever give me away to another lord?"

Eldon met Xan's eyes over his patient. "I think if he were going to do something like that, it would already be done." His eyes returned to his work. "The prince would be lost without you, and I'm sure he knows it. Where is this coming from?"

"I saw one of my previous masters, Lord Adderman, at the tournament."

"Lord Adderman the Cruel. You would do well to keep your distance from him."

"I intend to." Xan hesitated. "He approached me and said Liam would not tolerant my disobedience for long..."

"You have been His Majesty's servant for many years."

"Yeah." He gripped the basket tightly and turned for the door. "I should go gather those herbs."

As he opened the chamber door, he heard Eldon mutter, half to himself, "I fear His Majesty has more to worry with than a disobedient servant. These coming days are looking grim."


The setting sun bathed the trees in reds and golds as Basil followed the familiar path through the thickening forest. His magic shimmered against his skin with a nervous energy that told him not to get his hopes up. His siblings had kept him late with worried talks of war and rescue as Taylan recounted what he could remember of his hurried departure from Pierake. The tiniest details mattered, but smoke and the belief of an attack did little to help them.

Though already running late, Basil had stayed until Taylan had once again fallen into a fitful sleep. It was the least he could do, and though he had told himself he should stay near the boy, he had left anyway. The guilt wouldn't make him return when he had someone else who required his attention. Although, required might have been a bit of an exaggeration.

The trees opened up into a clearing of wildflowers next to a stream, and Basil heaved a relieved sigh when he found a young man lying beside the water. "Kale." Basil called, his magic fading as he walked over to his companion who seemed asleep with his arms pillowing his head. He sat down beside him, watching the fading sun cast shadows and light against freckled cheeks and closed eyes. He ran a hand through Kale's hair, gently twirling the soft brown curls around his fingers.

"You're late." The melodic words were heavy with sleep, and caramel eyes blinked open. "I worried you wouldn't come."

"There was a problem at the castle." Basil explained, still carding his fingers through the other's hair.

"Sometimes, I forget I'm seeing a prince."


"Seems odd." Kale sighed dramatically. "I am but a poor butcher's son."

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