Chapter 47

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"You wanted to see us, Father?" Liam asked, entering the king's chambers. Lily stood beside him, her eyes glancing around the room nervously. He hated that a part of her still feared his father. He wondered if that same part still feared Liam as well, if that fear rose up every time she laid eyes on the permanent scars circling her wrists or held the locket around her neck.

The king was propped up in his bed with a mountain of pillows, ink-stained documents strewn across his lap. On the table beside him sat his crown, his gray head uncomfortably bare without it. He barely looked up at them. "Eldon informs me my stay in these chambers will come to an end soon." His voice sounded far stronger than it had before, to Liam's relief. "How was your trip to Pierake?"

Lily tensed, but Liam answered. "How did you know about that?"

"I saw them bring that knight back," Daimon said.

"Sir Garrett." Lily murmured.

Daimon's eyes landed on Lily, and he nodded. "He was a good friend of mine. I suppose I should think your knights for bringing him home."

"They're not her knights anymore." Liam said, a cold line of steel in his voice. "This is her kingdom now."

Lily's startled eyes jerked up to meet Liam's, but he refused to look at her, his eyes on his father instead. Daimon gave a gruff laugh, one that startled the other two occupants in the room. Liam couldn't clearly remember the last time his father had laughed. Sometime before his mother's death, he supposed. Before Liam became an only child.

"I had hoped you would say that." Daimon said, setting aside the documents. "You are my only son, Liam. My only heir. I am not certain how many more years I have left for this world."

"Father..." Liam didn't like where this conversation was going.

"Didn't Eldon say you were doing better?" Lily asked suddenly, appearing braver now. "Where's this coming from?"

Daimon shook his head at her. "Kings are made when the old one dies, but in this case, I believe it is time for me to step down."

"What are you saying, Father?"

Daimon stared at his son for a long moment. "I believe the time has come for you to rule this kingdom. I have seen enough to know you will make a fine king."

Liam felt as if the world had ground to a halt, and it took his entire willpower not to crumble under its weight. He had always known he would be king one day but never so soon. Never this quickly. He felt the light brushes of warm fingers against his palm before Lily's voice made the world move again. Liam held on to those lilting vowels, and a voice in the back of his mind said he could do this. He could be king as long as he had the woman beside him to ease the weight of that crown.

"Wait," Lily said, holding up her hands, "I'm not in disagreement with your words--Liam will be a great king--but I don't think now's a good time."

Daimon raised his brows at her. "And why is that?"

"There is something else that needs his full attention." She said, and her eyes flashed, magic swirling inside them like a fierce tidal wave. "I'm pregnant."

Daimon chuckled. "And you think the world, this kingdom, is going to come to a halt because of that?"


"If I were on my deathbed, this would be a foolish request." Daimon told her seriously.

"Then it is good that you are not on your deathbed," Lily replied, holding her head high, "and this is not a request. Liam can become king after he becomes a father."

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