Chapter 39

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Basil winced as he slipped on his tunic, the soft cloth brushing against his injuries. He felt slightly better now that he had rested despite the remaining dull aches of exhaustion. His wounds had all been neatly bandaged but still twinged at every small movement. He grabbed his dagger from the table, biting his lip when his hand screamed in pain. The iron had had a worse effect than he thought. He shoved the dagger through his belt and noticed the one Joseph had lent him for the battle was missing. He wondered if that meant the knight had come to visit him or maybe he had only come to reclaim what was his.

Basil had dealt with both Liam and Aisha, along with numerous women from the village, all who insisted on making sure he was alright. He had not seen his sister at all. The healer had said he had had visitors while he slept as well, but he hadn't asked who they had been. It seemed of little importance in the wake of their anger and his mistakes. He quietly stepped towards the door, keeping an eye on Percy who had his face pressed into his pillow, soft snores coming from his half-open mouth on the other side of the room.

"Where are you going?" A voice asked just outside the door as soon as it creaked open.

Basil stepped back, his boots scraping the floor loudly. He recognized the younger--and admittedly, cuter--of the Mercurian Knights, Sir Andrew. "Going for a walk. Did someone tell you to guard me? Keep me from leaving?"

Andrew shrugged. "No. Maybe I was just taking a walk."

"Right." Basil eyed him warily as he eased out of the healer's hut, careful not to wake Percy.

"Are you sure you should be moving around? You were badly injured, after all."

"Not that badly." The stitches in his arm thrummed at the lie. "I'm fine."

"Then I'll walk with you."

Basil sighed and rolled his eyes up to the sky. "I'm returning to Railark. Alone. I've already requested a horse from the villagers."

"You shouldn't go alone." Andrew seemed unsurprised by Basil's words, jumping quickly to concern. "We don't know for sure if it's safe. We've already lost one of our frien--"

"I am not your friend." Basil hissed, inwardly wincing at the caustic tone his words took. "Nor am I your responsibility. I'm returning home."

"Wait!" The door, which Basil had failed to completely shut, was thrown open to reveal a breathless Percy, leaning heavily on a crude crutch and dressed in full armor. "I'm coming with you. Non-negotiable."

Basil glared at him, annoyed at himself for falling for the 'pretending to sleep' act. "You'd only slow me down."

"I won't, I swear." Percy's eyes glittered. "Please, I'll go mad if I sit around here any longer."

Basil sighed. "Fine, fine. Come along if you must, but only you." He gave Andrew a pointed look. "I do far better on my own."

"What about that other knight?" Andrew asked. "Shouldn't you take him along? Just in case."

"If you mean Joseph, then no. While it's true he's meant to protect me, I believe his services will be better put to use here."

"What, did you guys get into a fight or something?" Percy asked. "What happened while I was stuck here?"

"It doesn't concern you!" Basil snapped at Percy, still glaring at Andrew. "Come on. Before someone tells my sister I'm leaving."

"I feel like a teenager again," Percy mumbled as they made their way to a pair of horses waiting for them, "sneaking out and getting into trouble."

"Mm. What kind of teenager were you?"

"Oh, don't act all imperious. I know you did the same."

Basil nodded at the young woman holding the reins of their horses as they approached, Percy struggling to keep up. "I believed you'd be taking a knight along with you, but..." The woman gave Percy's splinted leg a long look. He gave her a sheepish smile when he handed her his crutch. It wasn't as if he needed it on horseback anyway.

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