Chapter 40

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Xan paced Liam's chambers, his brown hair in complete disarray from the number of times he had run his hands through it. Though it had been foolish to hope the prince would return after only a day of who knew what, Xan had been hopeful. He sank down on the prince's bed, wrinkling the silk sheets, and placed his head in his hands. He had plenty to worry about without having to cover for the prince's disappearing act. It was only a matter of time before the king was well enough to move about the castle again, and how could Xan say Liam was out on a hunting trip when none of the prince's hunting gear was missing.

He had just decided to go and hide the prince's hunting gear to validate his story when the door to the prince's chambers opened. Xan jumped up, putting on his best innocent expression, as the king walked in, looking around the room with an unsurprised air as if already knowing he wouldn't find his son there.

"It appears my son has not returned." The king said.

"Uh, yeah, no. I-I suppose he decided to stay out another day, Sire." Xan stammered, keeping his head down.

"I see." The king continued to look around. "And where has his wife gone? Out hunting as well?"

"No, Sire. She's in Railark, visiting her family." The lie rolled off his tongue easily, and Xan would have felt bad if the king didn't absolutely terrify him.

The king opened his mouth to say something else. Perhaps he had detected Xan's lies, and his next words would be some sort of punishment for the servant who dared to lie to a king. Xan closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable, but found himself pleasantly surprised when the king turned back to the door.

"Inform me the moment my son or his wife return. There is something of great importance that I must discuss with them."

"Of course, Sire." Xan gave a slight bow, trying to look the picture of perfect deference which was broken immediately by his relieved sigh the moment the door closed behind the king. "I am definitely asking the prince for a raise after this. Lying to royalty is not good for my nerves. Not good at all."

Xan stared out the window, the courtyard below alive with the typical hustle and bustle that came with early afternoon. He contemplated staying around the castle, though with nothing to do--and Eldon taking a much needed day off--Xan supposed there was little point in it unless he felt the need to be under the king's feet for the remainder of the day. He shuddered at the thought and made certain everything was in order in the prince's chambers before heading towards the kitchens. He would sneak a late lunch for both himself and Edith. She had not left her mother's bedside since the illness had worsened.

The painful thought had him sneaking a few treats for the rest of her family as well, knowing they'd need the kind gesture more than ever. They faced an inevitable darkness in the coming days. He really hoped Liam would return soon; the prince would be a welcome distraction.


"I can't believe him." Lily growled, attempting to pull away when Liam grabbed her shoulders. They stood alone on the edge of the village, hidden between two silent houses and completely enveloped in darkness.

Liam had been watching Lily pace for the better part of the night when she had discovered her brother missing. Now her eyes glistened with angry magic, silver tendrils snaking around her limbs. "Calm down." He told her gently.

"Why must he insist on being so reckless?"

"I believe it runs in the family."

She glared at him. "He's adopted."

"Then he's learned by watching you." Liam yelped as a silver spark ignited on his skin, leaving a red mark as if someone had pinched him.

Lily's green eyes still held onto her angry glare, but she didn't dispute his words. Probably knew she couldn't. "Fine, but I'm the reckless one. He's supposed to be sensible."

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