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„Hey, stop!!", Brandon yelled and held Cassandra's arm. „You can't walk in there."
She immediately turned around. Usually Brandon wasn't the kind of person to yell at people, especially not Cassandra. He has always been rather soft around her, not very commanding.
„Why?", she asked and winked at him. „He can't do anything. He is tied to a wall."
To Cassandra it made perfect sense. Why would she worry about him if he literally couldn't move? Of course she knew it wouldn't last forever and sooner or later he would free himself but right now they were safe. And sometimes right now was all that mattered.
Brandon sighed. He couldn't believe what he just heard. Cassandra seemed to think they were safe while in reality they were totally not.
„Did you forget that he is Lucifer? The literal devil?."
Cassandra shrugged her shoulders.
„I don't care."
She needed the information so she had to deal with whatever she would have to face. And if that meant facing the actual worst being, the devil himself, she would do it.

She walked in the huge, dark cave, her body shivering from the damp and cold air. She didn't really wear proper clothing since outside it was summer but this cage was just... frosty. The only thing keeping her warm was the anger inside of her.
She liked her angry side, it made her feel a lot more brave than she usual was. She was about to face the devil itself and couldn't care less. She was going to get her answers.
„I really don't think this is a good idea.", Brandon whispered. Apparently he followed her.
Usually he wasn't the one to be afraid of anything but when he was with Cassandra her wellbeing was everything to him. He wasn't afraid of possibly getting hurt or lost, he was afraid of these things happening to her. He would never forgive himself.
„You are my hunting partner. Back me up or leave. There is no in between.", Cassandra snapped at him. If he was going to come with her he would have to support her, not make her doubt her decision - even though that was quite impossible anyways. She needed to give it one more try. She needed answers.
„I'm always behind you.", Brandon assured her, „I'm just not sure if this plan here is smart."
It wasn't even a plan. They just wanted to walk in and ask Lucifer himself a couple of questions. Just an average hunting day.
„Brandon...", she turned around, „When have I ever been smart?"

She opened the heavy metal door that was build in the back of the cave. It cracked and screeched, small stones fell from the walls.
Lucifer immediately looked up with huge puppy eyes.
„Oh hello, beauty.", he greeted her and winked.
Cassandra couldn't help but to despise him. He had a really provoking, disrespectful character and Cassandra was everything but definitely not into it.
Brandon now felt the same amount of anger as Cassandra even though his reasons were different.
„Can we skip the flirting and come to the point where you give me answers?", Cassandra snapped and walked closer towards Lucifer.
He laughed. The most ugly and devilish laugh Cassandra and Brandon have ever heard.
„Depends on your questions."
Cassandra came straight to the point.
„Why is the world literally burning?"
There have been bushfires everywhere now and she knew they weren't natural.
„Well, bushfires are common in California." Lucifer rose his eyebrows, „It's really warm here. Forests burn."
Cassandra took a deep breath.
Stay calm. , she told herself, I can't kill him. He's the devil. I need him to like me because I need answers. I have to stay kind.
„These are not just bushfires.", she said as calmly as she could. „Something is out of order and I need you to tell me what that might be."
Lucifer started laughing again.
„Such a pretty face and so little brain inside."
Brandon felt his hands burning. Cassandra seemed to notice and took his clenched fist into her hand.
„Don't.", she whispered in his ear, „We need him."
„You seriously should start to answer her questions.", Brandon tried to threaten Lucifer. He felt his cheeks glowing out of rage.
„Isn't that what I'm doing the whole time?", Lucifer asked provokingly, „You're just not listening."
„Who is the puppet master?", Brandon asked with a frowning voice. His entire body was shaking but not because of the cold but rather because of his pumping blood.
Puppet master?", Lucifer laughed again. „What a nice term."
He played with the hand cuffs around his wrists until small stones started crumbling again.
„You know this won't hold me forever, right?"
They did know that. But of course they wouldn't admit it.
„We will let you go immediately if you just tell us who of your little henchmen you hired to create the mess out there.", Cassandra said and gave him a big, mischievous grin.
„You really think this was one of my folks?", Lucifer chuckled and pointed to the small gap in the rocks that was on the upper part, at the back of the room. When they looked through it they saw the half burnt forest. „Which demon do you think holds so much power?"
Cassandra looked at Brandon. She had no idea. It for sure must have been a really strong, probably quite immortal one. No ordinary demon could make such a mess as the world was right now. It would need someone more powerful. Someone like Lucifer.
„Well, it couldn't have been the angels either.", Brandon said, „So we assume it was you then."
Lucifer let himself sink down into his handcuffs but couldn't get far enough to sit down.
„What makes you so sure about that?"
„We asked them."
Lucifer stood up again and grinned.
„You asked... How cute."
„Naomi would have admitted it if it was her order.", Cassandra added and looked Lucifer deeply into his eyes. If that would have been Naomi's mess she would be proud of it and brag about it.
„Well, so would I.", he said. He took a deep breath and looked at Brandon.
„Why is he not punching it out of me though? I'm kind of waiting for it."
Lucifer might have been quite an asshole but he was able to read people like books. He knew immediately that Brandon was really close to loose his self-control.
He rose his fist but Cassandra stopped him.
Don't.", she hissed again.
If they'd punch Lucifer he certainly wouldn't give them any information.
„Do you know whose fault this is or not?", Cassandra asked Lucifer.
„I do.", he admitted, „But you have to open the cuffs."
Cassandra's eyes widened. She might be blonde but she for sure wasn't stupid.
Nice try., she thought.
„And then you kill us?", she asked. „Not going to happen."
Lucifer grinned, thinking he was in control of the situation.
„Well, then no answer for you."
„Fine.", she turned around and walked to the big metal door. „We will just let you rot in here until you tell us."
Lucifer's face showed panic for a short moment.
„THESE CUFFS WON'T HOLD ME FOREVER!", he yelled and Cassandra slammed the door.
Lucifer kept yelling and Cassandra and Brandon heard every word.
I hate you blah blah blah I will kill you blah blah blah You fucking idiot blah blah blah you are way too pretty for that blah blah blah... Well, ask my father about the mess...
She turned around and opened the door again.
„What did you say?"
„You heard it."

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