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They decided to go to a bar in the evening. Chuck let Cassandra chose where to go so of course she chose a 80s rock bar since that music was her passion. She always used to fight with Dean over whether 70s or 80s rock was the better choice but for her it has always been 80s rock. She even got Dean to the point once where she was allowed to play her music in the car. And Dean loved it. They never discussed over music ever again after that day. Dean still loved his 70s stuff but he also accepted Cassandra's love for the 80s. They were fine with each other's opinion.
"The music here is great!", Chuck stated after a while and smiled. He held a Caipirinha in his hand and so did Cassandra. It was her favorite cocktail and she wanted Chuck to try it at least once. So far he hasn't taken a sip.
"Try it!", Cassandra motivated him to drink and took a seat on one of the small tables. Chuck sat with her and drank a bit from his cocktail.
It took him a while but finally he said:
"I love it!"
Cassandra smiled. Maybe this would be a good evening.
"80s music is the best.", Chuck stated and put his glass down on the table. Even though the music was pretty loud the glass on the table sounded louder than everything else since it was a glass table he put it on. Cassandra winced.
"Did I scare you?", Chuck asked, worried, and laid a hand on Cassandra's arm. "I didn't mean to."
She took a deep breath.
"It's okay.", she assured him and meant it. The whole situation still was quite a lot for her.
There was a moment of silence between them.
"You're right though.", Cassandra stated after a while and Chuck looked at her as if he already forgot what the conversation was about.
"About the 80s music.", Cassandra said and laughed, "It's the best decade."
She smiled softly.
"But I only listen to the rock music. Can't stand the other stuff.", she continued telling him.
"Rock music is the best music I created.", Chuck agreed with her and gave her the biggest smile. All of his teeth were visible and it was so pure and honest it naturally made Cassandra smile, too.
And just in that moment Cassandra's favorite rock song ever started playing.
I'm alone, yeah, I don't know if I can face the night
She looked at Chuck.
"Why do you know - ?"
Chuck just looked at her all confused.
"This is my favorite song, Chuck."
Cassandra had tears in her eyes.
"I can't believe you're playing this for me."
I'm in tears and the cryin' that I do is for you
Chuck just shook his head.
"I'm not doing anything."
"As if!" Cassandra laughed. "I bet you read my mind again!"
I want your love, let's break the walls between us
"I didn't."
Chuck sounded as if he meant it. Just now Cassandra saw that he had tears in his eyes as well.
"But Permanent Vacation is my favorite Aerosmith album.", Chuck explained "And this is my favorite song out of it. Didn't know it was yours, too."
He smiled.
Don't make it tough, I'll put away my pride
Enough is enough, I've suffered and I've seen the light
"You know.."; Cassandra begun, "That is the kind of love I want. I want someone to be my angel one day."
"Well, I hope to be someone like that for you.", Chuck said. "I might not be an angel but I can promise to try my best to treat you right, Cassandra."
His blue eyes looked straight into Cassandra's. Her heart beat way faster than it should.
"I know you still don't trust me.", Chuck continued and Cassandra wanted to defend herself but he didn't let her, "Don't even try to deny it. I'm not stupid, I feel it."
Baby, you're my angel, come and save me tonight
"But promising you to be good to you is all I can do.", Chuck kept talking. His eyes still were teary. "I won't hurt you ever."
Cassandra found herself with teary eyes as well.
Was she falling for him? She didn't want it but it was out of her control. It just happened.
You're my angel, come and make it alright
She kissed him.
But this time it was different than the kiss in the coffee shop. This time she meant it.
She felt it.

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