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Cassandra opened her eyes. Her head was pounding and hurting. She tried to see where she was but all she saw was mist and some branches.
„Hello?", she screamed into the unknown but noone replied to her. All she could hear was her own voice echoing back and the pumping blood in her head.
When she was beginning to hunt she didn't mind the physical pain that came with it. The wounds, scars, burns, cuts and whatever else she got from chasing monsters sort of reminded her she was still alive. It was not like she wanted to get hurt but she didn't bother much either. Sometimes she used to wonder if hunting was her way to deal with her self-destructiveness and emotional pain. She didn't even mind much about the danger of it. She knew she could have gotten killed pretty much every day but it didn't matter to her. But as the years passed her inner wounds healed. Hunting was her therapy and it begun to work out. She got better, happier, felt like she was worth something. And suddenly she minded getting hurt. She now was scared to die. And that's why she quit her job. She needed a normal life, stability... Something not too dangerous.
But she had to learn that you can't really escape the hunter life once you've been a part of it. Whenever you try to flee it gets right back at you.
And now, not even a month back into it, she already got caught by a Wendigo. Great.
She tried to move but couldn't. Her arms and legs hurted. Was she fettered on a tree? How did she not notice that immediately?
„Hello?", she tried again but still no answer except for the wind sibilating.
It was cold where she was. There was even snow on the ground and icicles in her hair. She must have been here for quite a while.
She shivered. That was it. She would die.
Suddenly she heard cracks behind her again but she was not sure if it was her head messing with her or an actual sound. Maybe it was the Wendigo to finally get to her. They preferred to eat their prey alive, there was no way it would let her freeze to death before it got to consume her.
She closed her eyes, ready for her death sentence.
She heard clicking sounds again. Where were they coming from?
The chains around her arms and legs! That was it.
Did they click because she moved or because someone opened them?
Out of all the places she could die at it was a cold, dark, creepy forest...
Then she suddenly fell to the ground because her body was so weak. The Wendigo must have opned up the chains, ready to consume her.
„Please don't eat me.", she begged one last time, her eyes still closed. This was the first time in years she's actually been scared.
„Don't worry, I won't.", a familiar voice said. No way.
Cassandra opened her eyes again, her sight still was kind of blurry so she needed a moment to realize who was in front of her. She couldn't believe it.
„Chuck?", she asked, unable to fully realize what just happened. She didn't know if it was her brain messing with her or if it was actually real.
The good part about this was it was not the Wendigo trying to eat her alive. The bad part was it was Chuck who at least wasn't trying to eat her but probably would kill her with the snap of his fingers in not even a second.
„What?", he snapped back and grinned. Was this funny to him? „Do you really think I let you die here?"
Cassandra didn't understand what he was insinuating.
„I can't believe you are that stupid, Cassandra.", Chuck continued. He looked at her. How she laid on the ground, unable to move. He almost enjoyed seeing her so weak. „I thought you were a better hunter, not so stupid to get caught by a simple Wendigo."
Cassandra would have snapped back but couldn't muster the energy to say anything. Her head, arms and legs burned.
„Anyways...", Chuck kept talking while he was walking in circles, „This is not how I wanted the story to go."
Cassandra shivered. What was he talking about?
„Why did you even look for a case? I thought you were trying to find me? Do you really think this is how you will get even close to me?"
Chuck shook his head.
„You stupid little thing.", he insulted her and moved about. „So fucking stupid."
Cassandra looked at him with big eyes. What was he going to do? Was he about to kill her?
„Don't you want justice for your mom?", he asked, now crouching down to be at Cassandra's height and looked her in the eyes, „Aren't you mad at me?"
Cassandra shivered. Was it funny to him what he did? Was he provoking her? Was he messing with her? Playing around? What. The. Fuck. Was. His. Intention.?!
„I will kill you.", she threatened him. „Maybe not today but some day I for sure will."
Chuck laughed and stood up but not looking away from Cassandra.
„You are aware that I could just snap my fingers and you would reduce to ashes?"
„But you're not.", she snapped back. The pain was still in her head, the cold in her body but her anger was bigger. „You could kill me but you're not. What is stopping you?"
Chuck shook his head. He looked like as if he couldn't believe what he just heard, putting his hands behind his head.
„The story.", Chuck explained. „I don't want it to go that way."
Of course. The story was everything to Chuck.
Bad for him that Cassandra and the Winchesters wouldn't play by his rules.
„I want you to die slow. To burn. Just like your mom.", Chuck continued, putting a hand on Cassandra's shoulder.
„I want it to hurt and I want you to feel every second of it."
While saying the word hurt he squeezed her shoulder until the skin turned red.
Cassandra had tears in her eyes.
„Why me? Why do you hate me so much?"
Chuck chuckled.
„I don't. But someone has to be my protagonist and I chose you."
Suddenly the place felt even colder than it was before. Cassandra put her arms around her legs to warm herself.
„You're pretty, you're confident. The perfect heroine. Also you're working with the Winchesters. If you die a part of them dies, too. I will kill three birds with just one stone."
„You're an asshole!", Cassandra screamed.
Chuck's face turned red because the insult hit him.
What was she thinking who she was? Did she really think she could insult him? There was no way he would allow her to treat him this way.
He snapped his fingers.

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