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Cassandra rested her head on Chuck's shoulder while they sat on the bench in a park in Kansas. Cassandra had no idea where exactly they were but as long as she was with Chuck she was fine, no matter the location.
They both just sat there, enjoying the silence. Nothing was to be heard except for some birds sometimes cheeping and the wind that blew through the trees.
Chuck felt Cassandra's hair on his neck. The wind blew it on his skin causing it to tickle him softly. This happened quite often when they went out together and cuddled and he would never forget what her hair on his skin felt like. He fell for it, too, just like he fell for anything else about that lady.
He softly stroked through her hair, only gently touching her. She seemed to enjoy the calmness of the moment and he didn't want to ruin it for her.
After a while he suddenly heard footsteps. Cassandra didn't seem to notice anything but Chuck's hearing was much better than hers so he wasn't really surprised.
„Cas, someone is walking towards us.", Chuck warned his girlfriend, „Actually three... no... four people."
Cassandra jumped up. Before she could even say or ask anything Chuck kept explaining:
„I think it's the Winchester's and their angel. Oh and that dude... Brad?"
„Brandon.", Cassandra corrected him and her heart ached. She missed him. Okay, not only him, all of them, but Brandon hurt the most. He was her hunting partner for years, he had always been there when noone else was. She knew him like a brother.
And so she also knew he would never accept Chuck. And Cassandra had to make a decision. Chuck was her decision.

The steps went closer and closer until Cassandra could hear them as well. Just seconds later they all four appeared right in front of her and Chuck.
„I can't remember we invited you.", Chuck remarked sarcastically.
„No need to.", Castiel snapped back and snapped his fingers. Cassandra suddenly couldn't move while Chuck didn't seem to be bothered to much. He laughed.
„You really think you can snap your fingers and I will be trapped?", he asked and grinned. „You can't be serious!"
Castiel looked at him and then at Dean.
„We didn't want to trap you.", Dean explained, „We trapped Cassandra."
Just now Chuck looked over to her and noticed she was unable to move. He snapped his fingers and she was free.
„Are you fucking serious?", Cassandra yelled, „What was the point in that? You should know better that Chuck is stronger than Castiel!"
She went behind her boyfriend to get his protection, not mainly because she felt like she needed it but rather because she was unsure to not attack the Winchester's and probably regret it later.
„No, we just needed time.", Dean said and grinned at Chuck.
Just now Cassandra noticed Brandon suddenly stood behind him, pointing a gun at his head.
„We found bullets that won't do you much harm but they should be able to knock you out for a while."
„These bullets don't exist.", Chuck replied, sounding quite confident.
„Want to find it out?", Brandon asked and unloaded the weapon.
„Feel free to shoot.", Chuck said, still quite confident. And Brandon shot. And in just the same moment Cassandra was taken by Sam. He held her hostage, holding a knife right at her throat.
Of course the bullet didn't do anything to Chuck but it was a smart move. They wanted to distract him so that they could get to Cassandra. And it worked.
Chuck turned around, really angry.
„Let her go!", he yelled, „Or I will end you all with the snap of my fingers!"
„And then you break Cassandra's heart and she will hate you forever!", Castiel quickly said. Smart move.
Chuck paused for a while.
„So here is our deal...", Sam announced, still holding the knife, „You set her free and let her go with us and we won't hurt her."
„You won't hurt her anyways.", Chuck said, „You are here to rescue her, right? That means you want her to be safe."
„Or maybe we just want her away from you.", Sam snapped back and held the knife closer to Cassandra's throat.
Cassandra quietly said his name.
„Sam... Let me go."
Sam was disappointed the second he heard her say that. Did she not get the plan?
They wanted to make Chuck believe they would rather see Cassandra dead than with him so that he would let her go. Of course they would never actually hurt her, they just wanted Chuck to believe so.
„I want to be with him.", Cassandra stated and Sam loosened his grip but still held her quite tight.
„He would let me go anytime.", Cassandra kept explaining, „If I said I want to be free he would let me wander out in the world, back to you. I just don't want it. I love him."
There was a short moment of shocked silence until Dean was the first to find words again.
„So you're really serious about that? About the things you said in the bunker?"
Cassandra nodded her head.
„So you really love him?", Brandon asked, tears in his eyes.
„I do."
Again a short silence.
„Wow, I really thought you were still playing the game.", Dean panted.
He was shocked. He couldn't believe what he just heard.
„What game?", Chuck asked, now getting angry at Cassandra.
„Nothing.", she quickly said but Castiel cut in.
„She just went with you to save us. Never loved you."
„But now I do!", Cassandra tried to assure Chuck. „First I didn't but now ... I love you, Chuck."
„So I was just a game to you? A plan?"
His cheeks turned red out of anger.
„Not anymore!", Cassandra stated again. She wanted him to believe her so bad. She really loved him now.
„But I was..."
„You were.", she said, „But..."
And Chuck snapped his fingers.

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