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Of course Brandon tried to stop her but just a second after Cassandra told him to stop Chuck showed up at the forest. Shit.
„Hi!", he greeted the group and actually sounded quite happy. He knew he would make his strike now.
He looked at Cassandra.
„Oh wow, still injured and already here. Looks like you can't get enough of me."
He grinned. It was the most awful, vicious grin the group has ever seen.
„Shut up.", Dean ordered but all Chuck did was chuckle.
„Aww sweet."
He snapped his fingers and the sky turned dark. The smell of smoke filled the air.
Cassandra tried to move but couldn't. As she looked over to Sam he seemed to struggle just the same - just as Dean, Brandon and Castiel. Chuck had them frozen.
„Based on the place I started the fire, I guess it will take around 4 minutes for it to reach this spot where we are standing now.", he looked at everyone's faces, „Any last words?"
Before anyone could reply or follow any plan the snap of wings was hearable.
Chuck turned around as the archangel turned up behind him.
„Lucifer. Son.", he said surprised. „Wasn't expecting you to show up. I thought these hunters put you in a cave."
He looked at Cassandra.
„But - as I already assumed - they aren't really good at their job."
„That's right.", Lucifer confirmed and grinned. He walked closer towards Cassandra and pointed at her heart.
„You should focus on it's beating.", he said devilishly, „You won't feel that much longer."
„Why are you here?", Castiel asked first. He was the only one who was at least close to focused right now.
„To spice things up.", Lucifer said and turned towards Chuck, „Don't you want to go bigger?"
Chuck rose his eyebrows.
„Yes.", Lucifer replied, „I have quite a plan in my mind, how you can bring this world to it's end after you killed her."
He looked Cassandra right in the eyes and whispered an ironical „Sorry, beauty.".
Chuck's face turned red. He was angry.
„You think you can tell me what to do?", he yelled. He was really mad.
„It's not like that!", Lucifer quickly said, suddenly all shy and quiet, „I was just trying to- "
Chuck snapped his fingers again and Lucifer disappeared.
„Don't have the heart to kill him but he should be gone for a few weeks.", he stated and put that annoying grin back on.
„You know what?", he started again and looked at Cassandra again, „I will do it quicker. This fire is too slow and I can't wait to see your friends burn down with you."
He was about to snap his fingers again but Cassandra interrupted him.
„Stop!", she yelled and Chuck looked at her, surprised.
„Come oooon...", he said annoyed, „You knew this was going to happen and so did your friends. Their stupidity if they come with you."
„I think you need love.", Cassandra stated and hoped her words would move Chuck for at least a second.
„Oh come on, we already had that.", he snorted and shook his head, „My family left me. And that's okay. I will just destroy everything they tried to protect."
„You still need love.", Cassandra tried again. Chuck's reply surprised her though.
„That's right.", he admitted, „But there is just one lady I'm desiring and I think I messed up with her."
„We can help you find her.", Sam now tried. „You come with us and we help you."
Chuck shook his head.
„No need to.", he said, „She is standing right in front of me."
He looked at Cassandra. She wanted to say something but couldn't. Did this really just happen?
„What do you think why I saved you from the Wendigo?", he asked and stared at her, „Because I want you to die in a fire? Really?"
Cassandra just looked at him.
„That's what you told me." she said.
„I saved you because I didn't want you to die at all."
Cassandra shivered out of surprise and shock.
„I mean I wanted to kill you, that's why I was burning everything down. I wanted you to share a story with your mother.", Chuck admitted, „But then I saw how you protected that girl. What was her name again? Amy? You were willing to give your life for her."
He made a break to take a breath.
„You are strong, Cassandra. And you are better than most humans I created.", he continued, „So I saved you."
Cassandra held her breath. She still couldn't believe what she just heard.
Chuck wanted to save her?
„And this fire here?", she asked. „You were about to snap and kill us all."
„Because I messed up, Cassandra!", Chuck yelled. He looked like as if he was on the verge of crying. „I thought I could impress you by saving you and then I said all these stupid things, told you I wanted to kill you... You're scared of me. There is no reason to try any longer. I will just end it."
He was about to snap again but Cassandra quickly interrupted him again. This was her shot now!
„I was scared of you.", she said and tried to pull off a soft smile, „But now as I know your reasons... Chuck, I think I love you."
Lying like that felt awful. Even though Cassandra was just doing it to save her friends. To save the world. But it felt wrong.
Suddenly she could move again. She wasn't frozen any longer.
She walked closer towards him.
„I will go with you if you stop destroying the world.", she offered.
„No!", Sam and Dean screamed but Chuck snapped his fingers and noone said a word anymore, not even the birds. The forest was silent and only Cassandra and Chuck were to be heard.
„And you let my friends go."
She looked deeply into his eyes. Chuck looked down on the ground.
„I can't undo the damage I've already done..."
„Then at least don't do more harm!", Cassandra begged, „Stop hurting people!"
She had tears in her eyes.
Chuck took a deep breath.
„And you really go with me?"
„And you really love me?"
„Of course I do."
Of course.

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