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As Cassandra opened her eyes again she found herself lying in mud. It was everywhere - in her eyes, hair and on her clothes.
She wiped it out of her face, trying to see something. She was in a forest. No... it was the forest. The same one her mom died in. And she immediately knew what Chuck was doing.
He would kill her. In the same spot her mom died - just like he threatened in the beginning.
She looked around and saw Sam and Dean.
„You're alive!", she happily exclaimed and crawled towards them - the mud was too wet, she kept tripping and falling as she tried to get up so she decided to stay on the ground for now.
„Don't worry, won't stay like that for too long."
„Yes.", he said. He read her thoughts again. „Feels good to be famous."
„You know you don't have to do this, right?", Sam tried to reach out to Chuck but failed.
„I know. But I want to. It's what she deserves."
He pointed at Cassandra.
„Then kill me, torture me... do whatever you want but please don't hurt anyone else!"
She had tears in her eyes. She couldn't remember the last time she felt so desperate - if she ever felt that way at all.
Chuck laughed.
„You really think I'm stupid, huh?", he asked, „I know exactly that it hurts you way more to see the world falling in pieces because of you than if I do you harm."
What an asshole.
„Chuck... please."
He snapped his fingers and Dean suddenly was soaked into the mud they all still laid in. He was fighting for air but couldn't do it. He suffocated. And Cassandra and Sam couldn't do anything except for watching and screaming his name.
Tears streamed down their faces.
„I hate you!", Cassandra yelled at Chuck and threw mud at him. His red jacket was stained.
„Heeey!", Chuck pouted, „I cleaned it just for today."
He looked at the stain and wiped over it with his left hand. The stain disappeared.
He was about to snap his fingers again but suddenly Castiel appeared right behind him.
„Oh hello!", Chuck greeted him, pretending to be happy to see the angel.
„I know I can't do much but please don't do this.", Castiel begged him, with tears in his eyes, „You don't have to destroy everything."
Chuck didn't reply. Instead Castiel suddenly bursted in flames and fell to ash.
Cassandra sobbed even more now.
„You know what... At least make it quick, you asshat!!", she yelled at him. Her throat felt as if it was constricted, tears streamed down her face.
Chuck giggled.
„But where's the fun in that?", he asked, „I want you to see everyone you love dying. Slow and painful."
He didn't answer but he didn't even had to. Cassandra knew why. Of course it didn't justify his behaviour but that didn't change a thing either.
„So now I have you and Sam...", Chuck recapped, „Who do I kill first?"
He rubbed his hands against each other.
Cassandra tried to get up from the mud but she couldn't. It was too slippery.
„How about you just kill me and let Sam live?"
But her word's didn't change anything. Sam was soaked in by the mud and disappeared.
Cassandra screamed and yelled but she knew it didn't change a thing.
Suddenly Chuck walked towards her. She was expecting him to snap his fingers and let her die, too, but instead he laid himself next to her.
„Take my hand.", he said.
Cassandra smelled smoke. The forest was burning.
„Chuck... innocent people die. Punish me but not the world."
„I will destroy this entire universe.", Chuck said.
„Sorry love."
He stroked over her face and just for a second Cassandra thought she still loved him somehow. She knew she wasn't allowed to - he tortured her, killed everyone she loved and she despised him for that but when they were together she also felt a love so deep and pure, she didn't ever feel that before. She couldn't let this part go.
But now she had to. The entire universe was in flames, nothing of it would continue to exist. Not even Chuck.
And while Cassandra felt her last breath - before the smoke made her unconscious and the flames ate her body - she felt peace.

Separated || Chuck (Supernatural) FFWhere stories live. Discover now