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Cassandra found herself waking up in an expensive hotel suite. The sheets she laid on were golden, the whole room was super clean and white.
„Where are we?", she asked and turned around in bed to face who was laying beside her - Chuck.
„In a hotel.", he explained as if Cassandra wouldn't have seen that herself.
„I'm surprised.", Cassandra snapped back, „I thought you'd take me to heaven."
„You're a human being. You belong on earth. Also I want to show you beautiful things, not damaged ones like heaven."
Fair point.
Chuck got out of bed and opened the courtains. The sun shone on his face. If it was not Chuck but someone else standing there in the light Cassandra would have thought of them as attractive.
„Look, how beautiful the city is!", he pointed outside and Cassandra took a look.
London. They were in London. She saw it based on the Big Ben that was visible from their hotel window.
„Wow, one city you didn't destroy.", she commented and immediately regretted what she said. Hopefully it didn't make him mad...
„I could never destroy this city. It's one of my favorites.", he said and looked outside the window. „I will show you all of my favorite places."

After they got a fancy breakfast they went to explore the city. Cassandra has never been to London before so she was truly impressed by the city's beauty. The only thing that didn't sit right with her was her strange cavalier.
They went to the Piccaddilly Circus because  it was one of the top tourist spots and in Chuck's opinion Cassandra needed to visit it at least once. In her opinion it was nothing but way too crowded and expensive. One ball of ice cream cost around 6 pounds. But Chuck paid everything anyways and all Cassandra wanted was him to not take more lives so she behaved well and ate her luxury ice-cream.
They went to a small-ish coffee shop in a narrow alley. Chuck even pulled Cassandra's chair for her and took her jacket which surprised her. He even could be a gentleman if he wanted to.
"Oh, wow, nice gesture.", she commented, "Very rare nowadays."
She didn't want to say it, it just slipped out of her mouth.
Well, I'm not lying though., she thought and meant it. It was the truth. Chuck indeed was a gentleman. He always let her go first, opened doors for her and all that classy shit. She would have thought he was actually a good soul if he wouldn't be... him.
"Well, I don't want you to regret your decision.", he said and smiled at her. It was an honest smile.
They ordered their coffee. Chuck had a simple black coffee while Cassandra ordered a fancy caramel-vanilla-whatever drink. She forgot the name of it the second she ordered it but it was the most expensive beverage she could find on the menu. Chuck could pay, even if it was just money of which he probably had endless amounts anyway. That was the only revenge she could get so she enjoyed it.
As they got their order Cassandra hated her drink but still was proud of herself. Pay that 10 pounds that drink costs., she thought and grinned. It was stupid but it was the only happiness she could cling onto for now.
"You don't like it.", Chuck stated after not even a minute passed and chuckled. It wasn't even a question, he knew.
Cassandra just rose her eyebrows. I hate this whole situation. The coffee is my smallest problem.
Chuck immediately stopped laughing. His entire face froze.
"You wanted this!", he yelled. "Not me! You!"
"Are you reading my thoughts?", Cassandra asked angrily. She couldn't believe it.
Chuck stopped yelling and now blushed.
"Maybe.", he admitted, "But that's not the point! You wanted to be with me. You said you love me!"
"I do.", Cassandra lied. Chuck didn't believe her.
"I really do.", she tried again and looked him deeply in the eyes. He still looked quite skeptical.
She leaned over the table. Her face now as close as possible to his. She had to convince him somehow. He had to believe she loved him. And now with him being able to read her thoughts anytime he wanted to it was even harder for Cassandra to pretend she had feelings for him. Words wouldn't do much but maybe actions would.
"Chuck...", she approached him, "I really do."
And she kissed him. She immediately regretted it but now it was done so she has to smile and pretend she liked it. Apparently she did a good job because Chuck kissed back.
"But you have to stop reading my thoughts.", Cassandra whispered and leaned in for another kiss. She never felt that awful in her life before.
"I will.", Chuck promised. Cassandra didn't know if he was being honest with her but this was the closest to a reassurance she could get.
"I love you.", she whispered.
Chuck could feel her caramel-vanilla breath tickling his nose. She was his now. Forever.

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