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„Good morning! How can I help you?", an old man greeted Dean and Castiel as they entered the hut. Cassandra, Sam and Brandon waited outside.
„We would like to book a tour.", Castiel explained and looked around in the hut. It appeared to be some kind of store or kiosk, mainly selling alcohol and sweets.
„Just you two?", the man asked and suspiciously rose his eyebrows. For some reason it always happened to Dean and Castiel that people immediately assumed they were some kind of couple or something like that.
„No. Our friends are waiting outside.", Dean said, destroying the man's headcanon, „They are coming with us."
The old man put him off.
„It's okay.", he said confidentally, „No need to be ashamed. We have many couples that just want to go on the tour alone."
Oh boi, he actually spoke it out.
Dean and Castiel first looked at each other than at the man. Dean tried hard to hold back a laughter while Castiel's cheeks turned red. He looked down at the ground.
„No.", Dean denied quickly, „It's not like that."
„It's really okay.", the man repeated, „I see many same-sex couples every day. Really not a big deal."
Castiel, who finally composed hisself, went closer to the counter where the man sat behind. He put his hands on the counter and stared into the man's eyes.
„Our friends are waiting outside.", he said with a threatening undertone. Apparently he lost his patience. „We want to book a tour for five people. Now."
His eyes started glowing, a bright yellow light shone through them. As Dean saw what happened he immediately went over to Cas and put a hand on his shoulder.
„It's okay.", he whispered, „Don't get in a lather."
He provokingly stroked over Castiel's back, playing with the man's thoughts of them being a couple.
Castiel's eyes stopped glowing but he now looked at Dean and rolled his eyes.
„Sorry.", Dean whispered, grinning widely.
He smirked awkwardly and batted his eyelashes.
„How much are the tickets?", he asked the man and he put five tickets on the counter.
„1000 Dollars."
Dean swallowed.
„You're kidding."
„No, I'm not.", the man assured him, „It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Noone who did this tour ever did it a second time. They were either too scared or dead."
There was a strange hiss in his voice as he said the words too scared and dead, as if he wanted to stress them more than the other words.
„Well, we will see how it turns out.", Dean said bravely and slammed the money on the counter.
Castiel and him left the store. Dean tried to grab Castiel's hand to joke around with him and the whole couple theory while Castiel shook his head, quite annoyed.

As the tour started their tour guide introduced herself as Amy. She was a blonde, small woman, wearing a purple tank top and khaki shorts, looking nothing like someone who was planning to face deadly creatures.
„Soooooooo are you readyyyyyyy?", she asked and every word she said sounded as if she was singing a song on a kid's birthday.
„Yes.", Dean exhaled annoyed.
Amy checked him out. She seemed to like the way he looked.
„Alright, Mr. leather jacket.", she addressed him, „What do you know about Wendigos?"
„What is this? A quiz show?"
Amy felt challenged now. Dean was so forward, she would put him in his place.
„Well, looks like you don't know it."
She smiled, feeling like she had won.
„They were human once, ate human flesh and turned into monsters who now eat other humans."
„Good. That's what everyone knows.", she said. „Now it's your turn to see them live."
She walked, instructing the group to follow her.
As they went deeper into the forest the more foggy it turned until they could barely see anything.
„This is their main territory.", Amy explained, „It's my first time here as well. Our last guide didn't make it home."
Dean almost didn't believe her since tours like that often were tourist attractions but this one had actually reported cases of lost people. Also Amy's voice was quite shaky.
„Why are you agreeing to guide us here if you're that scared?", Sam asked. But in a soft, not taunting way.
„I don't really have a choice.", Amy admitted, her voice still being quite shaky, „This is a small town, there are not many jobs and I need the money."
„You do that for the money?", Dean asked, almost couldn't believe what he just heard. Amy was so stupid.
„Well, I don't believe in bullshit like Wendigos.", Amy defended herself, „This is a huge scam, right? A tourist attraction."
She didn't sound half as sure as she wanted to.
„And the missing people?", Castiel now asked, followed by a dig at his side from Sam.
Amy truly looked shocked.
„What missing people?"
„You never read the articles?", Sam asked surprised, „They report that 60 percent of the wanderers in this forest go missing."
Amy turned pale.
„I- , I didn't know that."
Suddenly there was a cracking sound to be heard.
„Is this a Wendigo?", Amy asked, her eyes wide and voice trembling.
„I have no idea.", Sam admitted but still pulled a gun out but just seconds later no more sounds could be heard.
„Is it gone?", Cassandra asked and looked at Sam.
„I still have no idea."
„Does anyone have any plan here?", Brandon now asked, he seemed to be insecure, too, „Like what if we face one? What do we do?"
„Burn it.", Cassandra, Sam and Dean replied all at once.
„And how?"
„I can do that.", Castiel said, „With my angel powers."
Amy breathed in sharply.
Angel powers? What kind of freaks are you????"
She never believed in Wendigos nor angels nor any other kind of supernatural creatures but what she believed in was humans to be dangerous sometimes which these people for sure seemed to be. But the sounds, the cracking of the branches... Should she start to believe them?
Another crack could be heard, followed by another one but this time a lot louder.
„It must be close.", Cassandra whispered and pulled out her gun as well. She put her spare arm around the shaking Amy to protect her. „It's okay. We got you."
Amy didn't know if she should be more frightened of the cracks she heard and the possibility of a Wendigo being somewhere near or the fact she was alone in a foggy forest with a group of people who all seemed to have guns with them.
„I should have never agreed on this!", Amy yelled, her voice was all panicky.
„Try to stay calm.", Sam instructed her urgently.
They didn't know who it was chasing or if it even was a Wendigo in the first place. But if it was one and trying to get to one of them, they had to outsmart it.
The hunters gave each other signs to go behind different trees since they had nowhere else to hide. If one of them was attacked the others would start shooting.
Amy and Cassandra went behind one tree together. Of course it was not covering them at all but it gave them distance from the rest of the group so that the Wendigo had to decide which one to hunt.
„I am scared.", Amy admitted again. „I promise, if I survive this I will check out every job offer before I agree on it."
„That's probably a good idea.", Cassandra stated but was interrupted by another crack. Loud and clear. The Wendigo for sure was close.
Now even Amy believed it.
Cassandra tried to cover Amy as good as she could, her gun pointed in a random direction since she couldn't spot where the cracks came from. It sounded like they were coming from all kind of directions.
Then everything turned black.

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