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The next day the forced couple decided to take it slow. They spent almost the entire day in the hotel room but surprisingly Chuck didn't touch Cassandra once without her consent. So far he still played the gentleman he was the first day. Or maybe that's just how he was...
No, there was no way he could be someone even close to a decent man. Chuck was monstrous, cruel, dark and dangerous. Plus, he was super short tempered. He had no good sides. Or maybe his bad sides were just a product of his loneliness and pain...
No, stop, Cassandra. You can't try to excuse his behaviour. Chuck. Is. Bad.
Cassandra rolled over in bed to look at her new "boyfriend". The golden silk sheets fell softly on her skin. They felt smooth and comfortable. Nothing in comparison to how they felt the first time she woke up in them. She grew into her new life, didn't she?
When she first found herself in this hotel room with Chuck all she wanted was to run. But as Chuck already stated: She wanted it that way. She had to. To save her friends, to save the world.
So obviously she also had to live the life Chuck wanted them to have. Her lifetime job from now on was to please him, give him what he wants and do what he says. That was the only way she could save innocent lives.
But after a while these sheets felt a lot better.
Of course she was still stuck with Chuck but she felt like she got to know him better and better every minute they got to spend with each other.
And it was scaring her. She often found herself trying to explain or excuse his behaviour and if she was honest to herself she deep down knew that Chuck somewhere had a good heart, buried underneath all this madness. As said before: He never touched her, he never did anything that hurt her, he didn't even say something that hurt her feelings. He indeed was good to her.
So far.
She also started to at least understand him which made this game a lot easier for her. She now knew how to act to not upset him, to make him feel appreciated. She never expected to be such a good actress but damn, she deserved an Oscar.
"Are you always a gentleman?", she asked. Probably the stupidest thing she said so far but now it happened and she couldn't take it back. She blushed and rolled the golden blanket up her chin, trying to hide behind it.
"I try to be.", Chuck said. Unlike Cassandra the blanket didn't cover his upper body. It just loosely laid on his legs while his chest was bare and naked., "You know I created men and women because I love them both. If men deserve respect so do women."
There was a short, comfortable silence and Cassandra smiled until Chuck continued talking.
"You know...", Chuck started and turned around in bed as well. The blanket now fell off of him completely and he laid there in his blue boxer shorts. They were now facing each other. "I love my creations. All of them equally. I mean humans are my favorite but I love every human being. I love their flaws and imperfections."
Cassandra smiled again. She loved it when he said things like that.
Wait... She loved it? Well, he for sure was a good talker. Still an idiot.
Still an idiot, Cassandra. , she reminded herself. There was no way she would ever actually feel anything but hate for Chuck.
"Do you know why I fell for you?", Chuck continued talking. His cheeks turned red. "You are absolutely far from perfect. I mean no human being is. But you are... You have so much strength and power. You won't let anything bring you down but still you have your scars - physical and emotional. But you don't let them define you. You are not run by your mistakes, you leave them in the past. I wish I could do that, too, leave my mistakes behind me."
Well, you've made too many.
But she felt what he said. Cassandra has made a few mistakes in her life as well. Of course nothing even close to as cruel as what Chuck has done but she indeed had her burdens to carry. It complimented her that Chuck thought she left them all behind - because for sure she didn't. She knew exactly what it was like to carry the consequences of certain decisions around for a lifetime.
"You are everything I always tried to be.", Chuck admitted to her.
That hit. Coming from... Chuck. He probably knew every single human being on this planet and said it to Cassandra. She felt herself blushing.
„You are a good talker.", she said but gave him a soft smile, „You should keep going with that compliments. They are good for my soul."
Chuck smiled back at her and came a bit closer. Now there were just centimetres between their faces. Cassandra felt his breath tickling her nose.
From that perspective he was kind of hot. She has never looked at him that closely. Or maybe it was not the angle she was looking at him from but rather her inner perspective that changed.
The words he just said were underlining perfectly what Cassandra already felt deep inside of her.
Maybe Chuck was not the only one burying his feelings. Cassandra was just as good at it.
She looked into his eyes again.
Ocean blue.
And he smelled like vanilla with a note of cherries. She loved that smell.
He probably knew.
That's why he chose that smell despite it being called quite feminine. But Chuck never was one to care about genders too much.
She wanted to kiss him but she couldn't.
It was Chuck. She had to keep her kisses to a minimum because she didn't really love him. Right?

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